21. Meeting the Cousin

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Warnings include: violence

3rd POV
Friday Night
M/n fixed up his tie. Epel had insisted he change from his hoodie and sweats, since they were going to go beat some shit out of people—why not do it in style?
"Love, you can't beat someone up looking like trash. Which is why, we're doing it in style. My cousin hasn't visited in fuck knows how long, hence why I'm going with too. Of course, I have to wear a mask, beating my cousin up is no excuse to ruin my reputation."

M/n rolled his eyes. He was decked out in an all black suit—his shirt, blazer, pants, shoes, and belt were all black. The only thing that wasn't black was his tie, which was a dark purple.

"C'mon, let's go to this 'S' where my cousin and Adam are. I wish to kill, just a bit." Epel said.
"Of course, your highness." M/n said sarcastically.
Epel punched him in the shoulder.
"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. God damn, Epel. Do you punch your fans like that too?"
"I don't." A voice said. It was similar to Epel's but a slight bit higher.

"What the fuck?!" M/n spun around to face Epel.
Epel was still the same, just different, and M/n couldn't place it.
"What...?" Epel asked, their voice seeming to have returned to normal.
"Anyway, let's get going." M/n said.

The two arrived quickly at S. The ever familiar rocky terrain and the hum or voices talking about the tournament.
"Wow, this place is so cool!" Epel smiled, gazing at the landscape around them.
"Yea, I guess. A lot of people come to S to watch or skate." M/n said.
"So, where am I supposed to find my dear cousin?" Epel said sarcastically.

"Should be here soon, tonight was scheduled to host a normal beef, I think, instead of the tournament." M/n scanned the crowds of people.

Reki was happy. After what felt like so much time, he and Langa were on speaking terms. Now all he had to do was to get M/n on speaking terms. A difficult situation. It wasn't that either person didn't want to talk, per say, simply that M/n matters to attend to and Reki had school. The time difference also interfered.

Langa skated into S. He jumped off his board to look for a certain redhead. Instead of finding Reki, he saw a purple haired guy with...M/n.

The guy was wearing a suit and had a really cool mask on.
"It wouldn't hurt, would it? Reki can wait." Langa decided. He walked over to the two.
"M/n?" He asked.

M/n looked over to the source of the voice. He smiled.
"Hey Langa. How you doing?"
"I'm doing well. Who is this?" Langa asked.
"I'm Epel, pleasure to meet you." The purple haired guy said.
Langa nodded.

"Langa!" Reki called.
The smiling redhead skated up to Langa, clinging onto his side in a hug.
"Hey, Reki." Langa smiled.
"M/n..." Reki's smile was replaced with a frown. "How are you?" He smiled softly.
"I'm doing well, I suppose. This is Epel." M/n gestured to them.

"Nice to meet you!" Reki exclaimed.
"Cool mask." He complimented.
"Unique headband." Epel countered.
One listening in could describe it as arguing, while the two would call it friendly banter.

"Umm...Nice hair color?" Reki said, unsure of himself.
"Right back at you." Epel said, clearly with more confidence than the redhead in front of them.
"Cool drip." Reki smiled.

"Nice hoodie sequence." Epel laughed at Reki's slightly flushed face.
"W-what do you mean?" Reki sweat dropped.
"This lil shit showed me pictures. You seem to wear the same hoodie but in different colors." Epel explained.

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