9. S pt.3 | Rehkey...

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Warning: bitch ahead proceed with caution, more swearing than normal, violence

M/n = male name
H/c = hair color
E/c = eye color
F/c = favorite color

2nd POV
Saturday Evening
"Hello, M/n. Nice meeting you as well." Cherry greeted back. "I hope that dopey gorilla is...tolerable." Cherry eyed Joe.

"Yea he's alright, some of the customers on the other hand. Can't same the same for them. Kojiro is good at what he does—"

"Hey! Remember who signs your pay check!"

"Sorry, Kojiro. I'm just speaking facts. Some of those girls who come to flirt with you are extremely annoying."

"Why you jealous?"
"Jealous of gorilla? Really? Never." You scoffed, eyeing Joe up and down.

Cherry practically spit out his drink.
"Ha! I told you I wasn't the only one who thought yoy resembled a gorilla!" Cherry yelled at Joe. "Pay up!"
"Really, huh? I bet you paid him to say that!" Joe yelled back.

You tuned out the yells of the other two males. You got and walked over to the black and pink glowing E-Board laying on the floor next to Cherry.

"That's Carla. She's my skateboard." Cherry said, ignoring the yells that came from Joe.

"E-Board. Very pretty." You said.
"Thank you, it took quite a while to have her design and program her."
"Whatever you with your fancy ass skateboard." Joe rolled his eyes.

"Shut up, you stupid dopey gorilla! E-Boards are of high tech! And take months to properly program! Which you dumbass gorilla self wouldn't understand how to do!" Cherry yelled at Joe.

You looked up at the clock on the wall. It read 11:12 pm.

"Hey old married couple!" You shouted at them. They stopped yelling looking at you.
"How long does it take to get to S?" You asked.
"About 25-30 minutes from here." Joe answered.

You pointed up and the clock and hell broke loose. Joe ran to the back to get changed in his S outfit and Cherry gathered Carla and his drink and waited impatiently for Joe.

You gathered up your helmet and bag with your own E-Board.
Joe came running out a few minutes later.

"Let's go, we're gonna be late." Joe rushed the three of you out and locked up. "I'm skating there, so is Cherry."
"Are you gonna skate too?" Cherry asked.

"No I probably couldn't keep up. I'll ride my motorcycle." You said.
Cherry nodded. Joe motioned for you to follow them.

They started off bickering with each other while skating, seeing who could go faster.

You drove up next to Cherry.
"Just tell me how to get there."
"You know that old abandoned warehouse?" Cherry asked.
You nodded.
"It's that, just show them your S pin and you'll be let in." Cherry explained.

You nodded and drove ahead of the two.

3rd POV

M/n soon reached S, after showing the two men at the gates his S pin he drove inside. He parked off to the side next to a certain blue haired Canadian's Mo-ped. M/n took off his helmet and looked around.

He caught sight of a certain bright red haired skater being yelled at by some dude and his girlfriend, who looked like a bitch.

M/n walked over, his E-Board still in the bag.

"Who are you?!" The man yelling at Rehkey asked. Rehkey? Reki? Reeki? M/n didn't know anymore.

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