22. A Reconnection & Racing

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Ep. 11?

Thank you so much for 10K!!—14/1/22
And 11K, goddamn you guys move fast—23/1/22

3rd POV
Saturday Afternoon
What Langa had said last night had M/n up most of the night. He had been thinking about it since. What should he do when he talked to Kaoru again? Would Kaoru even want to talk? Many questions circled through his head. He did really like Kaoru, even loved him, but that was pushing it.

The next day of the tournament was that night. Joe said he'd be bringing Kaoru with Carla. Joe had told M/n he should come watch, maybe talk with Kaoru and smooth things over. M/n decided he'd do just that. Although before then, Epel had convinced M/n to go out to lunch with their father and brother.

M/n got up out of bed, showered, redressed into a suit, the same one from the previous night at S, and sat down to ponder life once more.

Problem Child calling...

Accept Decline

"Hey, Langa and I wanna know if you wanna come to Dope Sketch for a while before we go skating?"

"I'd love to. I have to be somewhere at 1:00 though."

"That's fine! We won't be here long."

"See you in ten."

Call ending...

M/n got up from his comfortable spot on the couch, grabbed his keys, phone, wallet, and dignity and headed to Dope Sketch on his motorcycle.

After the short ten minute ride through traffic, M/n parked right outside of Dope Sketch, and walked in to find Reki throwing Sketchy a treat.

The small fennec fox jumped into the air, catching the treat, and landing on two tiny skateboards.
"Whoa...see!" Reki cheered.
Sketchy flicked the skateboards into Reki and Langa's faces.
M/n stifled a laugh.

"Hey! It's not that funny." Reki complained.
"It is though." M/n said, ruffling the redhead's hair.

A door opened. "You done cleaning?" Oka asked.
"Yep! Just have to take out the water!" Reki answered.
"I'll do it." Langa said.

A short conversation between Reki and Oka occurred. The bell sounded.
"Welcome!" Both said.

"You're the guy from the love hotel!" Reki exclaimed.
M/n whacked his head with the back of his hand.
"Love hotel!" Both Langa and Oka said.
"That's not what I—" Reki's face flushed with embarrassment.

"What kinda place is it...?" Langa asked, his eyes little dots of confusion.
"Are you that innocent?" Reki screeched.
"Take this." Tadashi said, extending a paper heart with Adam's signature symbol on it.

Reki grabbed it and flipped it over.
"Adam has nominated you as Shadow's substitute." Tadashi said.
"Huh?" Reki asked.
"You should decline."
"After getting nominated, why?"
"The previous beef was just playing around. This will be a for real beef, Adam won't hold back." Tadashi explained.
"Couldn't ask for more." Reki smiled.
"Are you really going to risk your life—" Tadashi was interrupted by a whack on his head.

"Now you shut up, Tadashi. I'll have Epel whack the living daylights outta you. I do have them on speed dial, y'know." M/n threatened.
Tadashi shut his mouth, he'd been dead from the beating he'd received last night because he hadn't come to visit. Tadashi noticed Reki and Epel were quite found of each other, so he didn't want to be murdered because of hurting his cousin's "child".

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