13. Cat Chilren-?

1.5K 39 24

Hi this is the 1K-2.5K+ special! It's still important to the plot tho.
Thank you to everyone who is reading, commenting and voting!

Warning: panic attack

Can you guess what's gonna happen?

M/n = male name
H/c = hair color
E/c = eye color
F/c = favorite color

2nd POV
It had been settled, you and Victor had planned a time. When the others finally got back later that morning, still very early in the morning, they were covered in mud and smelled absolutely disgusting.

Earlier that morning you were naturally happy Cherry was back, but however opted out to hug him, not wanting to smell like shit.

All six of them were covered head to toe with mud, you sent them to the showers as fast as possible, not letting them touch or sit on anything.

You had said it was disrespectful to sit on such nice looking furniture with mud. Reki had attempted to be slick and tried to sit down when he thought you weren't looking, however you caught him and shooed him off.

It was now later in the morning and all of you were now on the ferry to go back. You were taking a nap, cuddled up against Kaoru.

Once the ferry docked you bid farewell to everyone and raced home.
You made preparations for bedrooms, bathrooms, and gaming areas.
You paused, a meow was heard from outside the room's window. You peeked outside to see a small black and white cat. Next to it was two other cats, one black and the other a calico. The three of them were meowing and playing with each other.

Some time later, you returned home from the vet, carrying two cat cages. Knowing all the people were coming over loved cats, at least from what you remembered.

That night you went to S to watch. You heard people cheering for Langa.
You spotted Reki, Miya, and Shadow. Then saw Joe and Cherry walk in.
"Outta the way scrawny boy." Joe said, shoving Cherry.
"Humans come first, you ape." Cherry replied.

You watched as Joe fell over and walked up to a satisfied Cherry.
"Hey Cherry." You greeted.
He was about to respond but got pulled down by Joe. The two continued fighting.

Later that night you sensed a depressed Reki, one of your soon-to-be children-in-law, when watching Langa skate.
You saw him by the drinks, he was facing a wall and looked miserable. You listened to the admiration Langa received.
'This is what's wrong?' You thought.

"More like, who's that redhead the hangs out with Snow?" Someone said.
This caught your attention. People didn't know who Reki was?
"No idea." One responded. "What about that other dude, y'know the one who raced Adam in really tall rollerblades?"
"The one who hangs out by Cherry most of the time?"
"Yea that one."
"No idea."

Your heart cracked. You had been at S long enough for people to know who you were, same went for Reki.
People didn't know who, people didn't acknowledge you. You had raced, and beaten, one of the founders of S, the feared Adam. The guy who sent multiple to the hospital and you had come out mostly unscathed. You had beaten the love hug, beat him up after everyone left. And yet no one knew you.

It was just like last time....

You heartbeat sped up as you dropped to the ground. You covered your ears in attempt to block out their voices. You started shaking, crying. Yet noise refused to come out of your mouth. You knew why, of course. They never let you express emotion when things like this happened. They never let you be free. They hurt you. They killed you, in a way that no one would've expected. You gasped silently for air, yet it didn't come to your aid. You vision started crumbling. Black specks started crowding your eyesight.

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