10. Cat Child?

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M/n = male name
H/c = hair color
E/c = eye color
F/c = favorite color

3rd POV
Monday Morning
It had been two days since Langa's beef against Shadow and Reki was still gushing over the fact that Langa managed to win the beef, sparkles floating in his eyes and around him. Langa was listening and answering the occasional question from Reki while he taped his feet to the board.

"Leave it to a guy who came from America!" Reki yelled, poking Langa cheek with a finger gun.
"You mean Canada?" Langa corrected.
"Details don't matter." Reki dismissed.

Langa got up, board taped to his feet as Reki asked him to skate. Langa crouched slightly, almost like he sitting down on an invisible chair arms on either side.
He didn't move until he spoke up, "push me."

Reki walked up to Langa pushing his back to get him started.
Langa was off at a decent speed, he turned passing by a staircase going towards the road.

"Langa stop!" Reki called after him, starting to jog towards Langa.
Langa attempted to stop as he saw the ongoing traffic. He rolled quite a bit until he flipped over into the road. As he was about to get up a truck ran him over.

Reki cringed, walking over to the now flattened Langa who laying in the road over a sewer lid, skateboard still attached to his feet. As Reki walked closer he watched as Langa's soul left his body. Reki made a face almost mirroring Langa's as his sound left too.

"What happened to how you skated Saturday? Y'know with all the white snowflakes." Reki asked, as he and Langa sat on the stairs.
"I don't know. I would tell if I knew." Langa answered.

"I mean you look like a completely different person." Reki said leaning back, arms crossed behind his head.

"Lend me your board again after school." Langa said.
"Eh? You forget you almost die?" Reki asked, sceptical.
"I know it's just somehow... it felt good." Lang answered, clutching his uniform.
Reki nodded, agreeing to let him use it again.

Later that day, at school Reki was trying to teach Langa how to skate properly, without duct taping his feet.
Langa listened and followed the directions Reki told him. It ended with back on the ground once more.

Over the span of the next few days, Reki continued to teach Langa how to skate, which ended in Langa crashing into the school.


Meanwhile at Sia la Luce, Cherry and they old man were talking about business most likely.
Kojiro, Joe, was approaching the two to bring them their food.
As Mr. Tamashiro was introducing Cherry, he received a phone call and he got up to take it, as to not be rude.

"You hear a out the rookie who beat Shadow?" Joe asked leaning in towards Cherry.
"I'm working right now, dimwit." Cherry said, dismissing Joe's question.
"I make the rules inside this restaurant, you cheapskate four-eyes." Joe countered, as he ate a tomato from the dish.
"If that's the case, post it outside, you feeble minded gorilla!" Cherry said, snatching the plate from Joe.
"Give it back, four-eyes!" Joe demanded.

Insults were flying back and forth as the two grown males stepped on each other's feet. As Mr. Tamashiro turned around to look at them, sparkles were flying the air and they were no longer fighting, everything was normal. M/n, who was from the side, sweat dropped.

In a different part of Okinawa a certain cat like teenager walked along the street towards his bus stop, scrolling on his phone through the S side of a website (Twitter. It reminds me of Twitter.) looking at news from last nights beef. As he looked at all the insults directed at Shadow. As he read through he chuckled, it was funny. The so called anti-hero of S had gotten beat by a rookie.

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