6. Sia la luce

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M/n = male name
H/c = hair color
E/c = eye color
F/f = favorite food

3rd POV
Today was the day M/n was going to get a job. Although he had two part time jobs, the two jobs only were present at important events, like weddings, engagements, parties, school dances, etc..

So in order to continue to live the wealthy life in his late aunt's mansion, he was going to get a well paying job that he enjoyed in order to keep his aunt's money in savings in case of need.

After yesterday's interesting proclamation from Reki,
M/n wanted to try skateboarding again, however, he didn't have the time at the moment. Between trying to find a good job to still trying to settle into the mansion.

Yesterday, Reki ended up not going over to the mansion as he and Langa needed to go to work.

M/n had dropped the two off with Langa's Mo-ped and then proceeded to leave. On his way back home he saw a sign on a restaurant called "Sia la Luce" that said another worker was needed.

Another worker needed!
Come in between 9 am to 3 pm anyday to be interviewed

M/n a quick note of where this restaurant was located and continued his way home. Once back and inside he made a quick trip around the house locking doors and windows and feeding the turtle and fish.

After roaming aimlessly around the mansion, M/n took a shower and got ready for bed. Then proceeded to go downstairs to the lounge and watch tv.

M/n woke up to the loud gunshot that came from the tv. Startled he took the carefully placed sword at the side of the couch and unsheathed it. He raised it and sat up, a bit more awake.

Looking around M/n slowly but the weapon back in its sheath. He then turned to the tv where a lush green forest with a hole under a tree.

"Right, I was watching a murder series that I found yesterday." M/n muttered aloud.

M/n quickly got up, showered, dressed and got breakfast before heading out to drive back the restaurant.

1st POV
I got lost six times on the way here. I parked. I grabbed my wallet and walked inside Sia la luce.

"Welcome!" A cheerful voice greeted as the small bell on top the door rang.

I looked to the sound of the voice. The man had green hair with a mullet (?) and brown eyes. He was about an inch or two taller than me.

"Hey, I saw the sign out front and needed a job so I came here for the interview." I said.

He nodded and motioned for me to sit down.
"Do you have any work experience? Like any job experience, doesn't have to be one like this." He asked.

"Yes, I actually have two part time jobs. Photographer and makeup artist." I responded.

"Photographer and makeup artist... shouldn't you be y'know working right now?" He asked.

"No, not really. The busiest time for me is whenever weddings, school dances—big events really, happen." I answered.

"Oh, so you just want to kill time till you get hired?"

"Pretty much, it's kinda boring. I just recently moved here and don't have much to do yet."

"You know how to cook? Without burning down everything?" He asked, eyebrow raised slightly.

I nodded, I wasn't exactly the best at cooking, just decent.

"How good are you with people?"

"I guess I'm okay. Wouldn't say I'm the best though."

We went over more questions taking small breaks whenever someone walked in. Before I left Joe, Sia la luce's owner, had asked my number to give me the answer once he thought it over a bit more. He did say that I sounded promising and might be put on trial.

I returned home and flopped onto the couch. I turned on the tv and got up to make lunch. I started poking around the vast kitchen to find ingredients to make myself my favourite lunch meal. Once I found the needed ingredients I set to work. After making my lunch I sat down on the couch and began to eat as I watched.


Hey, Reki started teaching me how to do an ollie today
I fell, a lot
Mom's concerned that I got into a fight

Did Nanako yell at you?
Also cool! Tell me when you learn it properly

Ok I'll tel you when I learn one
Mom's not that mad just frantic
How long does it take to an ollie?

Sounds normal for Nanako
I think it takes about two or so months to learn to do an ollie

Ok thx
I got to go now Reki's yelling that I've been sitting too long

Oof ok have fun

I chuckled at Reki's attempt at teaching Langa. I might stop by and see they're progress sometime. Although I wouldn't let myself be talked into skating again by Reki. He did promise that he would get me to skateboard again, however, I don't think I'm ready to do it again. My brain is stuck in ice skating mode anyways. So it would be weird if I tried ice skating moves on a skateboard.

I quickly took out my phone and searched up ice skating places nearby. There was one about an hour and a half train ride from here. (I don't think there actually is, making it up) It was close enough that I could go and looked nice. Maybe I could take Langa and Reki there over next weekend, depending on their homework schedule and my work schedule.

My phone let out a notification sound. I walked over to it and typed in my password then clicked on the notification.


Hello, this is Joe from Sia la luce
Just letting you know you have the job and can come to set up your schedule anytime this week

Great thanks I should be able to be there tomorrow
What time?

Anytime from 10 am to 7 pm works

I changed the name of his contact to 'Green Gorilla' because why not and turned off my phone.

Word count: 1019

Finally finished this chapter
Writing block go brrrrr
Does anyone have a sword they carry around?

Have a good day/night/afternoon! Make sure to eat and drink something!

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