5. Who's Rehkey?

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M/n = male name
H/c = hair color
E/c = eye color
F/f = favorite food

3rd POV
Langa walked back home from Sakurayashiki Calligraphy, disappointed but still happy. Langa had gotten a job at the place next door, Dope Sketch, where Reki worked with Oka Shokichi and Oka's fennec fox. Langa had not gotten the high paying wage job at Sakurayashiki Calligraphy like he wanted.

He walked back as tomorrow he was to meet up with Reki after school to get the 'S' badge and then later that night go deliver the skateboard.

Opening the door Langa was greeted by M/n.

"Hey M/n. Where's mom?" Langa asked.

"Nanako is at work still. Said something bout staying longer, more hours." M/n answered, stirring the pot.

Langa nodded. He put his school bag down by the dinner table and sat.
"So what's for dinner?" Langa asked.

"F/f." M/n answered. "Start your homework."

Langa began working on his homework as M/n finished preparing dinner.

"I'm done with my homework." Langa announced.

"Good, anyway go get ready your mom should be home soon." M/n said.

As if on cue Nanako walked through the door.
"Hello, M/n pleasant seeing you here. Langa, how was school?"

"It was fine. Reki, the person I had talked to you about, wants to meet M/n. I also tried to get a job at Sakurayashiki Calligraphy, that didn't work out." Langa answered.

M/n chuckled. "I heard about that place, Sakurayashiki Calligraphy. Read somewhere the owner doesn't hire minors."

"Really?" Langa asked.

"Mhmm." M/n hummed. "Anyway, lovely seeing you two as always. I'll be heading back home now though."

M/n left and drove home, wondering who Rehkey was.

"I'm surprised he didn't ask about Reki." Nanako commented.

"I suppose Reki didn't peak his interest very much."

"So what's this about your job?" Nanako asked.

"After school I went to Sakurayashiki Calligraphy to try and get a job, since it had a pretty high wage. That didn't work out. So when I was walking out, this guy named Reki, he's my classmate, was chasing his skateboard and I stopped it. After handing it back to him, he said that I definitely interested in his skateboard since I had been observing it. His manger told him to lay off. And asked if I could drive. I told him I had a student license and he offered me a job." Langa explained.

"What's the place called?" Nanako asked.

"Dope Sketch." Langa answered.

Nanako nodded. "Go get ready for bed. It might be the weekend tomorrow but I still have work."

Langa nodded and grabbed his backpack and went upstairs to his room.

The next day

Langa awoke to his mother gone and the house silent. He quickly got up and went to the bathroom to do his morning stuff and shower. After showering, he walked downstairs and made himself breakfast.

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