3. Plane Ride

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M/n = male name
H/c = hair color
E/c = eye color

1st POV

19 hours and 25+ minutes. That's how long the plane ride would be. I would be sleeping for most of it, although I would be up for some of it. AND there would be like 2+ stops.

'This is gonna be a long trip.' I thought.

I hated plane rides, they were long and boring. I had had to travel on several planes, boats, etc. before with my parents.

As a child I was forced to go with one of my parents to their job, since I had no other siblings to take care of me, no family nearby, and they didn't trust any neighbors.

My mothers worked as popular singers, who were always traveling. My mom sometimes took hit jobs, while my mother is a full time songwriter. (I'm not completely sure how lesbian parents work, so please correct me if you see anything wrong)

My mother also now has her own band while my mom has her own mafia and designer company in Paris. Both are pretty famous and don't have time for children, although I am 27.

Even so, I didn't want anything to do with them. I didn't need them. They didn't want me.

They had left me at the age of 13 at home, alone. I had to stay by myself for years until they eventually kicked me out, because they had to move again and couldn't take me with.

I had stayed in Canada and gotten a job and eventually started ice skating. While my mothers were around I had been skateboarding as a hobby. Though there weren't many places I could skate properly as there was snow everywhere.

After a while I gave up skateboarding and started ice skating. I had been able to achieve a lot of accomplishments in ice skating as it's easier when younger. Despite that, I had invented a few more complicated tricks that I did while practicing. I went to school and got a masters degree (or whatever) in photography. I then started multiple social media accounts on different apps and posted that I was a new photographer, who had a masters degree, and was wanting to do some work. I had been hired somewhat fast by a rich couple in London, England. They had wanted me to take pictures for their daughter's engagement party. They had flown me out there and I did the job, they paid me quite a lot for something that lasted only two to three hours. After that I got more jobs, however, after it died down there were only a few jobs every now and then. So I started working at a makeup salon, helping people do makeup for big events.

"M/n!" Nanako yelled upstairs.

I snapped out of my trance of work process. I grabbed my two suitcases and carry on then walked downstairs.

Langa and Nanako were already down there with their two suitcases and carry on.

"We're ready? You have all your stuff?" Nanako asked.

"Yep, I checked through everything too." I said.

Langa nodded.

"Great, let's go!" Nanako exclaimed.

I saw something out of the corner of my eye.

"Nanako, I think I forgot something in the bathroom, I'll be there in a minute!" I yelled outside to where the cars were parked.

I ran to the picture, sitting on a shelf. It was a picture of Tiny Langa, Oliver, and Nanako.

I don't know how Nanako missed it, so I took it off the shelf and shoved it in my carryon. I then ran out to my car and followed Nanako's car to the airport.

My car would have been sold about a week earlier and the person who was going to be buying it would be picking it up from the airport. I would be taking my aunt's old car, which she had bought only a week before she died.

Nanako would be getting another car when we landed in Japan. She had taken the time during her free time at work and bought a car that would be waiting at the airport in Okinawa.

Two days after we landed and settled in, Langa would be going to his new school.

I would be finding more work and Nanako found work as a nurse already.

Before I knew I was at the airport. I parked next to Nanako and grabbed my things from the trunk and passenger seat.

I then grabbed my phone and texted the woman who had bought my car. I put my phone away after that.

Grabbing the two suitcases and my bag I headed towards the airport spot where Nanako and Langa were waiting.

Timeskip brought to you by me not knowing how airports work

We were now off the ground, we had just left and started to Okinawa's airport. I had my bag by my feet. Nanako and Langa were sitting in the seats in front of me. I had gotten a seat to myself. Men and women were everywhere, some working, some flirting. I heard footsteps approach me. I looked up.

There stood Langa and another lady, in her late teens to early twenties probably, I guessed. She was kinda hot, though.

"Hey Langa, why are you here?" I asked.

"Oh, um Mom's asleep already, early day."

"Why aren't you asleep then?"

"I don't know, but I'm bored. And Mom said you'd be alone, so-" Langa got cut off.

"Actually he's here with me~!" The lady cut Langa off.

"Umm who are yo-'' I started.

She slapped a hand over my mouth.

"Hush, baby."

I slapped her hand away from my face.

"Ow!" She shrieked. "Can you leave, kid?"

"Umm no." Langa responded.

She grabbed Langa by the collar and pulled him in.

"Listen you little bitch, leave me and this hot man alone." She threatened.

"I will not leave my big brother alone." Langa said, I could tell he cringed by calling me his big brother. It's not that he didn't think of me as one, just hated saying it out loud.

"Ohh? baby," she pouted, "Why didn't you tell me you had such a cute younger brother.."

"Cause I don't know you." I replied flatly.

"But baby-" she pouted again and crawled up so she was close to my face.

She then proceeded to try and kiss me. I pushed her off and she fell to the floor of the aisle.

"Excuse me bitch but do you do this to everyone you think is hot?" I asked.

She pouted again and handed me something.

It was a note card with her number. She mouthed 'call me' and winked. She then left to the on plane bathrooms to probably go fuck someone.

I patted the seat next to me and Langa sat down.

"The view is really nice." Langa said.

"Yea it is."

"Did you know that lady?" Langa asked.

"No, haven't seen her before in my life, she was kinda hot, though."

"You thought she was hot?" Langa asked.

"I mean yea, but she isn't exactly my type."

"What is your type?"

"You'll have to find out later..." I said as I dozed off.

Word count: 1186

Third chapter done! Hope you enjoyed!
I almost died during the flirty part🥲

Have a good day/night/afternoon! Make sure to eat and drink something!

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