19. Sad Aesthetic

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3rd POV
Kaoru was practically crying again. Wordless, nothing had been further heard from M/n. Nothing.
He was truly regretting hooking up with that man—no matter how hot he was—M/n was more important to him.

The tournament had been put to a slight delay. Adam had something important to do, putting his hosting the tournament to a small pause. Langa and Reki had still been barely talking to each other.

Kaoru didn't really have anyone to talk to. The man he hooked up with, Daisuke, was busy with his own company. His mind brought him back to the last official day of the tournament for him.

He had gotten badly hurt when he skated against Adam. At the end, Adam had picked his skateboard up and ran to Cherry, whacking him in the face with it. He remembered only Joe running up to him, just vaguely.

The events of the tournament of that day were very clear to the others. Especially Tadashi. From his point of view, which was unintentionally spying on Langa and Miya's conversation.

Tadashi recalled who Reki was as soon as Langa brought it up to the young teenager. He remembered distinctly the conversation he was listening on. It went something like this;

"I'm sure he was here...at some point at least. I heard him say 'Langa' when I skated Joe." Langa had said.
"He might've run away." Miya replied. "Perhaps it was because he didn't want to see you. You're in my way, I'm about to start my run now."
With that, Miya left Langa all alone.

Tadashi remembered skating similarly to Adam's style, even if it was technically his, against Miya. The beef had started and he was behind at first. He soon dodged ahead, skating professionally around the fallen rocks. With his speed and skill, he beat Miya.

This now brought Reki back to the present.
He sat with his sisters while his mother dished out breakfast. It was evident he was sadder than normal. Even before he had managed to stay a little happy.
"Big brother, you're an idiot." Koyomi said.
His sister, Koyomi, eyed him—knowing something was going on.

"Oh, thank you." Reki said, he sounded dead, devoid of life.
Reki finished eating, packed his backpack, and announced he was leaving then left his house, of course not before tripping on his skateboard. He eyed the skateboard, which now lay on the ground, and continued walking to school. Reki changed his mind mid walk out of the property and turned back for his skateboard.

Langa sat with his mother at the small kitchen table eating breakfast.
Nanako looked at her son worriedly, his emotionless face as he ate, the minimal movements he made while eating.
"Thanks you the meal." Langa said, standing up.
He grabbed his backpack, which was placed at his feet, and started towards the front exit.
"Langa.." Nanako called, uncertain. Langa titled his head to the side as if asking 'what?'. "Nothing, never mind."

"I'm heading out now." Langa said, leaving.
Nanako sighed. "He's been like a shell of himself since you passed...he stopped snowboarding too..when we came here I was relieved, he seemed like he was enjoying himself. Yet now, it's the same as before...." Nanako looked at the picture of Oliver, Little Langa, and herself. "M/n came with us too. Except he..no one has heard from in at least two weeks. No one knows where he's gone to." She told the picture.

After school ended Langa headed to Dope Sketch.
Oka told him Reki was taking "time off".
Reki held his skateboard close to his side as he walked around.
"Why'd I even bring this here?" Reki asked, holding his skateboard up. "I'm acting like I'm not over this."

"Such a lame board." A voice Reki faintly recognized said.
"What is that thing?" Another commented.
"So tasteless." A third said.
"Lemme see that." The second said.

Reki removed his board out of the guy's reach. "Don't touch it!"
"Well if it ain't Reki...this guy dropped out of our team a mere three days after joining." The first said. "Still skating, huh? Wanna join our team again?"
"I don't wanna join that rotten ass team." Reki said, glaring.
"What was that?" The first demanded.
"No one on your team loves to skate! You're doing just for fashion!" Reki yelled.
"Trynna pick a fight with us, eh?"
The first guy threw a punch. It hit Reki's jaw and sent him flying back into the alley wall.

After what Reki thought had to be at least a few hours, he heard someone. Someone he knew very well.
"Reki! Hey you alright?" Manager Oka asked.
"Manager Oka?"
"C'mon now. Did you get in a fight or something?"
"I'm kinda werid right now. They really got me."

The two had a short conversation together before Reki got up and left, with the help of Oka.
Reki made his way to an elevator at who knows where. He went up to the eighth floor. The door opened and Reki saw Langa and Joe by a vase of plants. Reki quickly shut the door. He didn't want to see Langa at the time. Although Reki missed Langa a lot, he couldn't bring himself to talk to Langa.

After a moment, the elevator doors opened to reveal Miya.
"Reki!" Miya shouted, he was still in his school uniform.
"Miya..." Reki mumbled, barely coherent.
The doors of the elevator started to close, Miya pressed his hands against the doors of the elevator, struggling to get them back open.

"Why aren't you showing up?!" Miya asked.
"I wasn't chosen." Reki responded, ashamed.
"Reki, you lying slime."
"I'm not lying!"
"You said you wouldn't be going away!" Miya's eyes watered.
Reki was briefly brought back to when Langa and M/n versed Miya in a beef. He remembered what he said;
"We'll never disappear from your side!" Reki promised.

"Well I'm not the only liar!" Reki yelled.
Miya was confused, he didn't understand what Reki meant by that.
"M/n promised me he'd be there for me when I was sad or whatever shit. He left. He up and left Japan and all of us. You're not the only one who's been betrayed recently! He said he'd be there to help me! Now he's gone..." Reki cried, tears slipped down his face.

"He...left?" Miya paused. "He's a lying slime then too. For now, I'll forgive you, not him. Come with me."
"Sorry, but I no longer..." Reki said, getting up. He pushed Miya into the elevator door and walked away.
"Wait!" Miya yelled. "You lying little slime!" He yelled at Reki, who was running away.

Word count: 1129

I give you more cliffhanger
Ayo who wants OCs reveals?👀

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