17. Traitor!

879 27 4


Hookup, fling? Alcohol

3rd POV
"M/n, it's been days now..." Reki said through the voicemail line. "Where are you?" Reki checked the clock yet again. It had only been three minutes since he last checked.
"11:52 P.M. there's barely a difference." Reki sighed. He was feeling useless again. So as always he tries turning to someone who promised to be there, however, the matter ended with a voicemail.

2:36 A.M.

Calling Free Therapy...

Accept Decline

Reki shot awake by the ringing of his phone. His shakey hand reached over and fumbled around of his nightstand for his phone. His eyes widened at the caller. He quickly hit accept.

Hi, Reki
Sorry I'm calling so late

Where are you?
Where have you been?
What's been keeping you from coming to S?

Listen, I'm sorry Reki
I don't have time to come to S
And honestly don't have the patience for going back and forth

What do you mean?
You're only about 15 minutes away from S
How can't you come to watch?

Ah right, none of you know
I'm in Paris, France

Reki was silent


You heard what I said
I'm in Paris
I'm 7 hours behind you, which is why I haven't answered anything
Any other questions?

M/n's voice was cold, unlike normal

Why'd you leave?
I don't mean to be rude, M/n, but why the hell would you even go there?!

I do have other jobs, y'know
I'm doing a very important photo shoot with a model friend of mine
I left without a word for a selfish reason and I'm sorry
I haven't seen my friend since I was a child, when my mothers were still vaguely in my life

It's fine...
you just...didn't keep your promise either...
Langa is skating against Adam again even tho he promised not to. And Miya and Shadow kept making fun of me, and Cherry's just kinda hanging around waiting to challenge Adam agin.

Well Reki I believe it should've been common sense to you that I am a working man
I have other jobs and can't be on standby 24/7
It's impossible for me

You still could've told me...

Listen Rehkey I have to go to work now, kay?
I'll talk to you later if I have time

The call ended and Reki stayed staring at his screen. M/n was in Paris, France. That was so far away. Reki wondered aloud, "what's so important about this model friend that he had to leave us for? Will he come back? Or has he left just like everyone else?"

M/n sat in utter silence. The shock from what he had learned just happened was too much. Apparently, Kaoru had hooked up with someone M/n knew very well. He sighed.

"Maybe...it was on accident?" M/n muttered, trying to think of any way he could pin the blame on something other than Kaoru. He kept thinking of sorry excuses to try and pardon Kaoru from his anger.

Here's what had happened:

Cherry hadn't been out of his shop in quite a few days, work had been piling up and he was determined to finish it quickly. The door opened to reveal a man, quite a handsome man at that. He had black root that faded nicely into pretty green. He had gold eyes complimented by circular gold framed glasses. Kaoru was mesmerized by him—he was gorgeous.

"Oh, mademoiselle? Eh? Cherry Blossom?" The man stutter-asked.
"Huh? Who are you?" Cherry asked, looking up properly.

"Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Daisuke Fujisaki. I am originally from Paris, France, and currently live around here." Daisuke introduced. "I've been to S as well, hence why I knew your name."

From there, things escalated. It started out with just a simple drink. Then a few more, then a few more. It was surprising that neither had gotten black out drunk. Kaoru didn't bat an eyelash that he was in a "relationship". After several rounds of drinks, both had gotten so carried away and ended up retreating back to Kaoru's house.

The tension was high, the gay kind. To put it simply, they hooked up.

When M/n had found out, he was a emotional crisis. A mix of emotions had entered his mind and completely taken over. If not for his friend, he'd have flown back to Japan just to sock Kaoru in the face.

M/n understood they were both drunk and had little knowledge of what they were doing, however, M/n thought Kaoru was better than getting almost black out drunk. He supposed he had guessed wrong. About a half hour after M/n found out, he called Kaoru to "talk". It went...interesting-to say the least.

"You don't fucking understand, do you?! We were never a thing. You just got it into your dumbass little head that anything we ever meant something!" Cherry yelled into the phone.

"You don't fucking get it...I was there for you so many times, even if it was just as support. That's my best friend's older brother! You hooked up with him. Stupid, stupid Sakurayashiki. And what the fuck do you mean it meant nothing?! I treasured those moments so fucking much, just for you to throw them in the trash?!! I'm so happy now that I'm moving, moving away from you." M/n laughed psychotically into the phone as he cried.

The other line went silent. Cherry had muted himself as tears rolled down his face. He was speechless. M/n was leaving Japan? No, leaving him. No, leaving Okinawa and him and Langa and Reki and everyone else.

"So now is when you decide to shut up?" M/n chuckled dryly into the mic. "So so stupid. Sakurayashiki, tell Nanjo that I quit working at Sia la Luce. Don't try and find me." M/n hung up, leaving a crying Cherry in pure confusion.

Word count: 1005

I give you cliffhanger


give me requests on my other book pleasssssss!!!
[if you do I'll consider doing a mini mafia au or smth where Adam gets killed...your choice]

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