14. Skating of Which?

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Lot of POV switched in the first bit

M/n = male name
N/n = nickname
E/c = eye color
H/c = hair color

Killua POV
M/n and his friends were nice, not as nice as Gon though; well maybe M/n was.
I met another kid who likes cats and apparently could talk to them, and skateboarded.

Gon met an old man who cooked.
That Yuri, Yurio, guy stuck around M/n, Viktor, and Yuuri a lot.
Kenma and Kuroo stayed together most of the time too.

I found out a lot. Kenma, Miya, and I like video games. And us along with Yurio like cats a lot. Gon was leaving later today to go help the old man think of new recipes, so that leaves me alone.

Well it would if not for the fact Miya and I were going to the skate park with Yurio. Yurio said he didn't know how to skateboard, though he said he would try.

Kenma, Kuroo, Reki, and Langa were going to play beach volleyball. That left the four adults; M/n, Viktor, Yuuri, and Cherry.

They'd probably talk about old people stuff, probably not assassinations like my parents did. It was late, even though I could go days without sleeping, Gon insisted, since I hadn't sleep for a few days.

I met a lot of people yesterday! It was really fun. Later today I'm gonna hang out with Joe, a restaurant owner, and create new recipes. Killua said he'd be going to a skate park with Miya and Yurio.

Kenma, Kuroo, Reki, and Langa were going to play beach volleyball. And the four adults were staying at M/n's mansion.

I drifted to sleep thinking about all the cool herbs I could use on the dishes.

3rd POV
M/n was up late with Cherry, Viktor, and Yuuri.
They sat in the couch in the lounge area watching movies.

"So we are going on double day tomorrow, yes?" Viktor asked.
"Mhm. The kids will be out and such, so they'll be fine. Or should be." M/n replied.

"What do you mean?" Yuuri asked.
"There's this one guy, Adam, who's tall and shitty and blue haired and likes to target kids who have talent in skating." Cherry ranted.
"In skating?" Yuri stuttered.
"Skateboarding." M/n clarified.

"Eh? Yurio doesn't know how to skateboard." Viktor said, confused.
M/n shrugged. They four continued to watch the movie.

It was very early in the morning, around 4:40-4:50, only a few remained asleep.
Killua and Gon were laying in their beds in their shared room. Both were thinking about the day ahead, each thinking the other was asleep. Eventually, the two had fallen asleep.

In the room across the hall, Kenma sat up in bed gaming on his switch. Kuroo was asleep on the bed next to him. Kenma eyes glued to the screen. The level he was currently on was impossible for him to complete. Checking the time, he guessed he might as well go to sleep.

Miya was sleeping soundly in the room over from Kuroo and Kenma's. Reki and Langa had each gone back to their respective houses.

The mid-morning was slow to say the least. Everyone had slept in till at 11:42 AM, and all had things to get to. Kuroo had to drag Kenma out of bed and into the lounge.

"C'mon Kenmaaa. We promised to meet Reki and Langa at 12:45!" Kuroo whined.
Kenma, still pouting, sat up and walked away into the kitchen without a word.

After they finished getting ready, the two volleyball players took Gon, Miya, Killua, and Yurio dropping off each one at their destination before going to the volleyball set up on the beach.

The four adults were sitting comfortably on the couch watching as one by one their children, mainly M/n's, left.

"Yurio's gonna get hurt." Yuuri sighed.
Viktor nodded in agreement.

Hours later into the day, and three of the adults were getting pulled along by a very hyper M/n through his house.
"Darling, where are we going?" Cherry asked.

M/n smiled. "Double date!"
Yuuri and Viktor smiled to each other, they'd been on a number of dates, but never had another couple to accompany them on a double date.

M/n quickly ran down the stairs dragging Cherry -who was holding his hand- along with him. The four entered another room, it was freezing cold, Cherry shivered slightly.

Yuuri gasped in awe and Viktor smiled brightly. M/n smiled softly.
"I think you know where we are." He said.
Yuuri nodded, as did Viktor. Cherry knew, too, but said nothing.
The other four picked out their skates as M/n ran to grab his own.

Walking into a semi warm seating area, M/n quickly spotted the group and walked over.

"Darling, I'm having trouble tying these." Cherry mumbled.

M/n smiled, bent down, and tied the laces of Cherry's skates. M/n sat down on the chair next to Cherry and started to put on his own skates.

"C'mon, N/n! Come skate with Yuuri and I~!" Viktor called, spinning with his and Yuuri's hands intertwined.
"I need to help my Flower though!" M/n called back.

Kaoru was already on the ice, stumbling slightly.
"Flower, you good?"
Kaoru nodded.
"I'm fine, darling. Just haven't ice skated in quite a while. Ever really if I'm to be honest."

M/n smiled, taking Kaoru's hand in his and skated towards the center. The two spun in a few circles before M/n guided Kaoru over to Yuuri and Viktor.

"You're ice skating is still as magnificent as ever." Yuuri complemented. Viktor nodded in agreement.

As the hours went by, all four had fun ice skating around the rink.

"How dare you!" A voice yelled.
M/n turned to see a very angry dopey gorilla.
"Hey Joe." Yuuri greeted.
"Hi. How dare you leave me with eight kids!" Joe yelled.
"What do you mean, you dumb gorilla?" Kaoru asked.
"We left you with Gon." Viktor said.

"Yea, then the other seven came to my restaurant!" Joe was whining now.
"How the hell did you possibly get into my damn house? Much less my basement?" M/n questioned.

"I want war with chu!" The Russian accented blond yelled.
"Listen, you're all high and mighty now. You weren't mere hours ago on that skateboard!" Killua said, voice rising above normal.
"This is my turf! I find that I am very good at ice skating!" Yurio retorted.

Miya simply smirked at their bickering before placing one ice skate covered foot onto the ice. The other two watched as he stumbled around then fell face first onto the cold ice.

Yurio laughed.
"Miya, have you not skated like this before?" Russian accent very present in Yurio's voice.
Miya flipped himself over and shook his head.
"See that was a sad ass performance, I bet I can do better than that." Killua announced.

"Try it then!" Yurio demanded.
Killua finished tying the laces of his skates and stepped cautiously onto the ice.
Upon contact with the ice, he fell flat on his face. His hair flopped in defeat.

"See, I told you. The ice, is my turf. Stupid, stupid." Yurio muttered.

Word count: 1217
Hello, I've had less motivation to write chapters in this book as of lately. I have an idea for the next chapter tho, and hopefully sometime soon we'll get back into the actual anime/manga? plot.

Thank you for reading!
I will also hopefully have the first two parts of the oneshot book out soon as well

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