20. Skate with Me to Our Infinity💙❤️

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3rd POV
"No you can't be telling this to me." M/n said angrily.
"Yes I know this is the only way I get updates from Adam."
"You bitch. You better be lying to me."
"You hoe. Why would you run over a 17 year old?!"
"You took him where?! That's it hoe. Imma go back there and whoop yo ass!"
"Yes I know it's like a 16 hour flight. I have my own jet, well your cousin does but still!"
"I don't give a shit."
"Fine, bye. Imma whoop Adam's and your asses when I get back."

M/n hung up. He sat down on the couch and stared out the window. The sky was darkening and the stars were just starting to show. He picked up his phone once more and called Epel.
"Hey, Epel. How'd you like to visit your cousin?"
"That bitch? Maybe."
"Lovely get the jet ready."


Reki ran from Miya. As he crossed the road, the dumbass forgot to look whether there was cars or not and a car was approaching. Reki was a deer in the headlights. He stopped, terrified. Then the impact hit him. His eyes were blinded by the bright lights of the car.

Reki awoke to a bright purple light hanging above him. He as sprawled out on a circular bed.
He shot upright and screamed. He calmed and felt around to confirm he was alive.

Then he looked around the fancy room, realization hit and his face flared up. A curtain behind the bed opened to reveal Tadashi.
"A love hotel." Tadashi confirmed.
Reki screamed again. "Wait—who you?"
"At 13 mph, you only got a couple bruises." Tadashi sat down on the edge of the bed.
"So who the hell are you?" Reki asked.

"Agree to a private settlement with me." Tadashi pulled out a brown envelope. "I don't want this in the papers. If I were to cause troubles to the man I serve it wouldn't end well."
"Don't mock me. I won't do anything. I get hurt like this and much more when I skate." Reki said. He got up and pulled his shoes on.

"Skate?" Tadashi asked. "Oh, you're...Reki.."
"If you don't need anything I'll be on my way." Reki got up to leave the room, however was stopped.


"We've arrived, bitch. Get the hell up." Epel poked
"Shut the fuck up Epel." M/n rolled over on his seat, throwing a pillow at Epel's face.
"Get up, we've landed."
"Fine." M/n rolled back over and got up.
The two were back in Japan—Okinawa to be exact.
Epel would be spending the time with their father and M/n at his own mansion.


Reki returned home. He was greeted by his younger sister.
"Welcome home! Langa was here." Koyomi said.
"Heh?" Reki was surprised.
"He just left though."
Reki's frame dropped a bit.
"Message from Langa: he said he was borrowing your skateboard."
"My board?" Reki asked.

He turned on his heels and ran out. Flicking his skateboard out in front of him and jumping on to it.
"I have to see Langa and talk to him! Maybe M/n later too." Reki muttered as he skated. "Talk about what though? How I fled from skating? How I acted so badly against him? Or how much I...love him?" Reki paused. He loved Langa, truly he did. He felt romantic feelings for his blue haired best friend.

He chuckled quietly to himself. "M/n was right then..." Reki looked up to see Langa in the air. "Langa!" he called.
Langa looked down and yelled. "Reki!"
They skated around met face to face for the first time in a while.
"Um..." Reki tried to start.
"I—" both said at the same time.
"What?" Reki asked.

"No you first." Langa insisted.
"God damnit! Words just left somewhere." Reki yelled. "I've been thinking all this time too! I'm always no good when it counts." Reki had crouched down onto the ground.
"Let's skate!" Langa said, breaking Reki from his saddened trace.
"Together!" Langa skated ahead with a smile on his face.

Langa skated up a ramp and flew so high in the air once again. Reki skated up the opposite ramp and flew up in the air. Their paths crossed as they skated to the opposite side of the skate park. Again both flew up and crossed in the center. Once more they flew up and met in the middle, this time they high-fived and Langa felt something he hadn't in a while.

The feeling of skating for fun. "This feeling. It's really what we thought it to be. I can hear it. It was like back then too, when I first snowboarded with dad. So that's it...I've missed this feeling. That's why when dad was no longer here, I lost sight of the fun it brought me. It's the same for skating, when I'm with Reki." Langa thought.

The two collapsed into each other as Langa wasn't paying attention. They laid sprawled out on the ground.
"Why didn't you dodge?" Reki asked.
Langa started laughing.
"Did you hit your head or something?" Reki asked.
"You're amazing Reki. You know all the details of skateboarding, you made me my very own board." Langa said.

"Why this all of the sudden?" Reki asked.
"You're good at teaching it too. It's thanks to you I learned!"
"It's from your natural talent and effort." Reki said.
"Reki, you taught me skating is fun! You're my teacher. Reki you always go beyond my imagination! The idea is spinning the tracks, that beef with Adam too.."

"Enough! That's really enough!" Reki said, his face was flushed with a blush that almost challenged his hair color. "You usually don't talk, yet you're spewing so many compliments at me."

"Can I talk a bit more?" Langa asked. "Lately I've been losing sight of skating, why I was doing it. No matter where nor who I skated with...I didn't feel it. It's different now. I feel it because I'm here with you. It feels fun again!"
"I was thinking the same thing! I want to skate with you a lot more!" Reki exclaimed, leaning in a bit closer to Langa. "Tomorrow, the day after, and long after that!"

"Me too! I want to skate together with you to our infinity!" Langa exclaimed.
"Our infinity? Isn't that a bit much." Reki asked.

"No it's not at all a bit much. It's how I feel, Reki. I want to be with you for infinity, I want to skate with you for infinity. It's what you said about skating..that it's infinite. I may not be that good with words, but it's how I truly feel, Reki. I want to be with you no matter what!" Langa confessed.

"Let's add one more trick to our DAP." Langa said, holding his hand out in an 'O' shape.
"Sounds good!" Reki exclaimed.
They high fives, then fist bumped, the created the 'O' shape with their hands, to form an infinity symbol.

After Langa shyly pulled Reki closer to him and kissed his cheek. Langa looked away blushing, but snuck a glance to see Reki's reaction. It was adorable. Reki's face was flushed again and he was smiling like an idiot.

"About time, Langa." A voice muttered from a ways away. "Your relationship is so sweet with Reki again...one can only hope mine and Kaoru's might be like this sometime in the future."

Word count: 1251

Hello! Have some Renga fluff for the holidays.

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