8. S pt. 2

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M/n = male name
H/c = hair color
E/c = eye color
F/c = favorite color

2nd POV
Saturday Evening
Your clothes had been laid out on the chair in your room. You had washed out when you got back to the mansion and set two alarms. One at 10:30 pm and one for 9:00 pm. You grabbed the bag from earlier and headed out back.

Upon now arriving in the giant backyard, you tore open the bag in your hands to reveal two things. One was a special set of keys, the other being... a skateboard.

Not any type of skateboard though. An E-board, electronic skateboard. (One like Carla) The skateboard was folded into a square with the top of it sticking out slightly.

The skate park out back was lit dimly by a few lights the shone from the odd building that hadn't been seen before. The skate park was a normal skate park just had more ramps and two bowls and of course was private.

You had briefly seen through the first library window. Not really wanting Langa to see it you decided to investigate later, when he wasn't there. Hoping that once he learned how to properly skateboard a little better you could bring him here to practice.

You began to practice yourself. Starting with simple movements; starting, stopping, and turning.

Your alarm for 9:00 soon rang out in the empty space. You grabbed your E-Board, the bag, and keys and headed back inside. You set the three things down in the lounge area and went to your bathroom to clean up some of the scratches and bruises you got while practicing.

Afterwards you took you phone, plugged it in and flopped on your bed, falling into sleep quickly enough.

Your dream

Snow. That's all you could see.
'Am I back in Canada?' You thought.
You looked around. It was your mothers' house. You hadn't been there in over 12 years. You had been kicked out when you were 15, as your mothers' had to go do something in Paris that they couldn't bring you with.

The scenery changed it was now the center hallway between kitchen and lounge area.

'Mama!' A tiny version of yourself ran from one end of the kitchen to where your mom was sitting in the lounge area.

Tiny you was holding a picture up to your mom. It was a very detailed picture of your moms and yourself.

'I'm sorry M/n, I don't have time.' Your mom continued to do whatever it was on her phone.

Little you looked like you were about to cry, but instead tiny you responded with; 'That's okay momma, I know how much more important your work. Bye.' And you left the room.

The scene changed again and was of when you first started skateboarding. It was at a beat up old skate park. No one was there. It was still cold out. Snow still covered the ground, just wasn't as much.

You did an Ollie as small you landed on the ramp and skated down it. As smaller you continued to skate on the flat area around the ramp, small you did an unexpected laser flip. You didn't realize how much you could do in the beginning of you skateboarding hobby.

Another scene change. This time you were ice skating. You were about 14 in this scene. Although you had started later than most when learning to ice skate, you had quite good balance on the ice.

Another scene change. This one was of only one week ago. When you had moved to Japan with the Hasegawas.

Then it faded to black.

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