18. Heartbrocken but Hot

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Triggering topics may include: there is a part where one of my ocs talks about having their mum beat you

The French present in this chapter will be from google translate and have a translation under! [Listen I know they're already speaking in French, but is fun for me.]

F/d = favorite drink

1st POV
In French
I sat looking at the wall. It had been three days since I "broke up" with Kaoru. I had taken the last few days off to calm myself and cry. My friend said that it was just fucking fate for their brother to be in Okinawa at the time.

"Darling, I don't know why you're sulking still. We have a shoot to do! And you're not doing shit!" A voice yelled as the door slammed open.

"Epel, chérie, je ne peux pas m'en remettre. connasse stupide."

|epel, darling, I can't just get over him. Stupid bitch.|

Epel gasped. "You take that back or I'll have Mum beat you!"
"I'm Mum's favorite so it won't matter!"
"How ze fuck are you Mum's favorite!? I'm her actually child!"
"Are you saying I'm adopted!?"
"Shit-Uh no, obviously not. It's not like we look alike though. Must've gotten dad's qualities or something..."
"I look nothing like dad!"

I burst out crying once more, this time it was fake. Epel rushed to my side and kindly whacked by face with their hand.
"Chérie, we'll have none of that. You've spent the last few days doing that, no more." Epel scolded.

They slapped me once more to further getting the depression shit outta me.
"Thanks fam." I smiled.
"You're welcome. Come now, we're late for the shoot. You're the best to take pics of me! And you've been missing for days." Epel dragged me out of the room and into the fancy car waiting outside.

"Darling, no, no. More! I need more! Emotions, dear, emotions. You show none right now, I need emotion for this shoot to work!" The photographer yelled.
Epel was glaring and rolling their eyes at the photographer.

"Hey~, it's yo bae!" I smiled, entering the room.
"Child, you're a month younger than me, you are by no means my baby brother." Epel snapped.

"Darling! There it is! That, that is what we need! The emotions! This your brother? You! We need you in this shoot!" The photographer yelled happily.

I blinked a few times. Was this woman dumb? I didn't want to be in a shoot. No, no, I take the pics for the shoot.

"That outfit! I need someone to create replica for Epel!" The photographer kept yelling.

I looked down at my appearance, while taking a sip from my drink. Nothing too special, an simple outfit for me. A plain, white, oversized shirt—surprisingly made some for someone as tall as me—, baggy, slightly torn pants, a dark grey cardigan with a few chains attached in random places. Of course, I still had my normal silvery grey belt with chains, short, black combat boots with f/c accents. Since it was sunny out, I wore my sunglasses, which added to the look. My normal accessories which included of; lip to ear piercing, ear piercings, rings, and black skater gloves.

"M/n, why do you look like you're gonna jump somebody in style?" Epel asked.
"Dunno, I might, you never know." I responded, sipping my f/d.

"Kay, imma go change!" Epel said, rushing out of the room. With Epel gone, it left me in an awkward silence with the other photographer.
"So...who are you to her?" The photographer asked.
"I'm their younger brother by a month." I responded reluctantly.

"She doesn't have a younger brother. It would be impossible to have a child a month younger and born in the same year." The photographer responded sassily.

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