15. He be Trippin' Calls

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This chapter kinda shitty and probably doesn't make that much sense.

M/n = male name
N/n = nickname
E/c = eye color
H/c = hair Color

1st POV
It had been two days since I went ice skating with Kaoru, Yuuri, and Viktor. Langa, Reki, and even Joe had joined us on the ice.

I laughed silently as I replayed the events in my head.
'Langa, careful on the ice. Unlike me you don't know how to ice skate.' Reki had said proudly, sparkles floating around him.

Reki didn't know how to ice skate though, he had fallen as soon as he skated forwards a little. Langa was fine, for a while. Langa and I had ice skated together back in Canada for fun. He knew how to do simple things, and some tricks.

He did end up falling though, and flat on his face. Nanako had called asking where Langa was several times.

"What do you mean he fell?! Is he hurt? Do I need to go over there?!" Nanako had screamed through the phone.

"He's fine, Ms. Hasegawa. He'll be perfectly fine, maybe a scratch or two, but he'll be fine. There is no need to worry." Kaoru had assured her profusely.

Currently, I was busying myself with tending to my children. Miya, Killua, Gon, Kenma, and Kuroo had all somehow managed to die momentarily on the ice rink in my overly freezing basement.

Miya had hurt his face, as did Killua. Kenma and Kuroo had just tripped on their skates. I was still unsure how this had happened, Kuro assured me that he was skating to fast trying to catch up with Kenma who was surprisingly good at ice skating.

The rest of the day from there went by slowly. Yuuri, Yurio, Viktor, Gon, Killua, Kuro, and Kenma would be leaving tomorrow. I'd miss my kids.

Killua had Gon, and Kenma had Kuro. Yurio had Yuuri and Viktor. I'll still have Kaoru, Miya, Joe, Reki, and Langa though. It wouldn't be as chaotic.

Of course I'd have to go back to my shifts at Sia la Luce and I recently got an email for an appointment in Paris in 2-3 months- the date was still to be decided.

Yesterday had been spent lazying around my mansion, watching movies, eating snacks, playing with the cats. Today was about the same, along with packing and preparing for tomorrow's flight.

I'd definitely miss them. Was this counted as losing someone, or people you cared about? Maybe for some it would be easier. Dealing with loss is something I was used to. Except this time it wasn't losing someone forever.

"M/n? M/n!" Kaoru yelled whacking my head *lightly* with his fan.
"Huh what?" I asked.
"Finally. You hadn't been responding. They're ready to go."
"What do you mean? They don't leave till tomorrow."
"The plane came earlier than planned. They have to leave or they'll have to wait quite a while to get back." Kaoru explained.

Oh. So this was the end of it? The fun adventures with my children? I felt a tear escape my eye. My children, and their boyfriends/parents, had to leave now.

Kaoru pat my back. "You'll be ok. They'll just be a phone call away." He smiled.
I smiled back at him and stood up. "Let's go kids! You've been a joy to have here but I have things to do. People to kill, places to be."

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