16. Tournament of Shit

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3rd POV
"Cherry are you sure M/n's alright?" Langa asked.
"Why would I lie? I have no reason to. Worry about your own boyfriend." Kaoru's face flushed when he realized what he admitted to.
"Listen four eyes, we get it. You two have the hots for each other, it's annoying now. We've figured it out, you took your damn time." Joe grumbled.

Kaoru whacked him profusely on the head with his fan.
"Stupid, stupid gorilla." Kaoru turned to Langa. "Of course he'll be alright. He's still alive after all."

It was close to 12:30, nothing had happened, not yet. Adam had to show like he had those nights before. Reki was still not there.  Langa was remembering last night. When Adam had jumped from a helicopter and announced a tournament to be held to determine the best.

Reki sat up in bed, a cold sweat running down his forehead. He knew about this tournament and knew Langa was going to break his promise. Reki understood the excitement of racing in a beef, however, Adam was on a far different level—an entirely different world if you will. Adam was going to hurt someone, most likely Langa. Reki may not have seen Adam entrance his previous "eves", but he knew all too well what happened to them. He knew that many had been hospitalised because of Adam, Reki cared too much for Langa to let him get hurt—hence the promise. Reki sadly knew Langa would do it anyway and try and talk to him regarding why.

"What are you looking at?" Reki asked.
"Huh? Oh... Adam showed up again yesterday and he—" Langa started.
"I don't wanna hear it." Reki said flatly. "I hate him, you know that, right?"
Langa nodded. A moment of silence followed.
Reki spoke up. "Langa. Can you do that thing again?"

Langa took off. Doing the trick again as Reki watched.
"Is that good?" Langa asked when he landed.
"If you jumped that ten times, how many would you be able to reach?"
"Huh?" Langa tilted his head to the side.
"Sorry, it's nothing. We have go or we'll be late for classes." Reki changed the subject.

After school Reki came back, back to that place. He stared at it.
"It's not like me to be moping like this!" He muttered. "I just need to see how much of a difference there is between me and Langa. I can't say I can do it every time like him, I can do one out of three! No one out of five!"

Reki kept going, kept trying to reach it. At this point he was banged up and hurt. Mental replays of everyone who said he couldn't do it played over again and again in his head. He laid down on the ground, looking up at the sky.
"Langa, it's unreachable...for me." Reki said sadly, reaching his hand towards the graffitied star. It was raining now. Reki walked home sadly. Langa waited for him at the front of the property.

"Need something?" Reki asked, barely above a whisper.
"Adam is hosting a tournament. I'm thinking of entering."
"What about the promise? Are you dismissing that?" Reki asked. "You said you wouldn't go up against Adam again!"
"I'm sorry but I-" Langa was cut off.
"Don't apologize! It just means your gonna break the promise with me, right?! Do you know how much i.." Reki stopped and started walking to his house.

"Reki! I want to go up against Adam!" Langa gripped Reki's arm.
"Someone dangerous like that?!" Reki screamed.
"But....he's an amazing skater....you'd understand as a skater too, right? Skating together with someone amazing like that gets you excited!" Langa exclaimed.

"Excited? I....don't get excited. I'm scared, terrified even. How can you act like it's all fun and stuff? I don't get it! You and Adam are nothing like me. Nothing. Do what you like. You crazy geniuses can skate together as much as you want. I can't keep up. You and I aren't a good match anymore." Reki said walking away.

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