Day off

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A few days have past since Gray returned. We walked to the guild today and decided to go twinning in the guild's pool. It was really hot so what better day to swim than today? Also, i just got a new swimsuit, so of coarse Im going to show it off to everyone. The bikini was a dark purple with pink fringes along the front. The bottom was the same purple with the fringes on the sides, holding it together. We walked in and greeted all our guild mates. Afterwards we walked to the entrance to the pool. We were the only ones in there at the moment since no one really swims in the morning.

"I'm going to make the biggest splash!" Crystal hollered. She ran to the edge of the pool and jumped in, sending splatters of water around her.

I laughed and grabbed Gray's hand and pulled him to the edge of the water. We jumped off the edge of the pool and jumped into the water. Both of us emerged from the water and started to mess around. We were in the more shallow end, about four or five feet. Gray swam behind me and grabbed around my waist and kissed my cheek.

"I haven't been swimming in so long." I stated, throwing a foot in the air.

Gray laughed and turned me around. I jumped up and put my legs around him, linking them together behind him. "You shouldn't be stupid." Gray said in a teasing voice.

I stared at him in confusion but with a hint of humor. I prepared myself. He was about to do something I wouldn't like. "Why am I stupid?" I mused.

Gray grabbed my back and threw me underwater. He was over me so there was no way to escape my husband's grip. I opened my eyes and look up to see Gray in a blurry state. I freed a hand from his grip and shoved it to his face. He flinched back and I once again shoved myself to the surface.

"Gray." I said in a higher, irritated voice.

"What is it?" Gray said with a smirk.

I turned around and crossed my arms with amusement. Gray grabbed my shoulders with one hand and put the other under water and grabbed my legs, lifting me up into a wedding style hold. I put my arms around his neck and looked around to look for Crystal. I found her moments later on the edge of the pool, splashing about. She loved swimming so she was happy that we let her after begging for so long.

After about thirty minutes of swimming, Gray and I got out, leaving Crystal in the pool as she played with Wendy. I put my hands on the rim of the pool and used my upper body strength to pull me out.

Gray dropped a towel on my head. I grabbed it and wrapped it around my body. He grabbed his towel and put it on his head and frantically rubbed it to get the water out of his hair. He shook his head as he took the towel off to get his usual messy hair look. He threw the now wet towel around his shoulders and walked to the edge of the pool next to me.

"Wendy, do you mind watching over Crystal for a while?" I asked the teenager.

"Sure." She responded with a smile, happy to be able to play with the little girl longer.

"Thank you." I grabbed Gray's hand and we walked out of the pool room and into the main mess hall. "We should take a job request together. We haven't done that in so long!"

"Who will watch over Crystal?" Gray asked.

I thought for a second and sighed, "guess you have a point."

The voice of Erza came behind me, "I'll do it. Jellal is gone on a quest of his own so I will be home alone this week."

"Oh thank you!" I chanted. "We get to do a quest together! We should bring Natsu and Lucy."

"That sounds like a plan!" Lucy said from where she was standing.

I turned around and smiled at her, happy that she was willing to go with us. She grabbed Natsu's hand and silently asked if he was coming. He nodded and she slightly hopped with joy.

"Alright, it's settled then. Lets look for a job request." I said, running to the request bored and quickly scanned over everything that needed tone done. Then I saw a perfect job. It was a job to find a criminal. I grabbed it and ran back to the small group that I had formed. "How about this one?" I asked.

"Whatever you want to do." Gray stated. Natsu and Lucy nodded with agreement as they looked at the paper.

"I'm going to go tell Crystal what we are doing and ill be right back." I beckoned Erza to follow me to the pool. "Crystal." I called to my daughter. She looked my way and ran over to me.

"Yes mama?"

"Your father and I are going on a job request. We will be gone a few days while we work on it. So that means Erza will be watching over you till we get back."

Crystal nodded in understanding and she smiled at Erza. "I get to stay at Erza's house!"

"That's right!" Erza responded, lifting Crystal off her feet.

"I promise we will be back soon." I said before exiting the pool area. "Ok, let's reconvene in an hour or so."

As we agreed when to meet up we walked outside and headed to our house to pack the few necessary things.

"It's been too long since we did a job request. I am so happy!" As I kept from room to room looking for a few things, Gray was roaming the house waiting for me. "Ok, I'm ready!"

"About time." Gray sighed as he opened the front door. Natsu and Lucy were already waiting in the front lawn. "See, I told you that you were taking too long!" Gray scolded me.

"Whatever," I replied with a shrug. "I'm ready now. Lets go!"

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