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A week has passed since Cobalt was born. It had been a long week getting everything organized for him. Wendy is over all the time now to babysit while either Gray or I are busy. She has been so helpful. She also knows how to calm Cobalt down using some calming methods her magic can do. Cobalt is very quiet except at the worst possible time. Although I am happy that he is finally out of me. I can have my freedom back and do whatever I please with my free time. I plan to go back to the guild in a month. It's been a long time since I've been back there and I miss it, but I have things I need to take care of here. Crystal keeps begging me that she is big enough to watch over him an that I can do whatever I want, but I am smart enough not to let her unless I'm just outside.

I walked into the kitchen with Cobalt in my arms and saw Gray sitting at a table with papers in his hands and his hand on his head. I looked over his shoulder to see fees. I laughed and remembered, ever since Laxus became guild master after Markov retired, he made them pay for whatever damage they caused on quests. Even now Gray and Natsu still get in arguments about what is a better plan for basically any job.

"How much is the fee this time?" I asked with amusement.

"Let's just say we should be lucky that the amount was cut in half." Gray sighed.

"It's that much huh?" I chuckled and put a hand on his head, messing his hair up more than what it usually is. "Maybe you two should get along better." I suggested. Gray ignored my comment with frustration. I bent down and kissed his head to ease his annoyance. "Love you." I walked to the counter and grabbed an apple to eat before going back upstairs to put Cobalt away in his crib.

"Mom!" Crystal yelled from the door.

I quickly turned around to see Cobalt fidgeting. Luckily not waking up. I sighed with relief and walked back downstairs. At Crystal's side was Wendy. "What is it?" I asked.

"Red is walking around the barn." Crystal said with panic. "He will eat the chickens!"

"Calm down." I reassured, walking to her. She turned around and ran back to the barn with me following and leaving Wendy behind at the house. I looked at the fox, who was near the back entrance of the barn. Quietly making my way to the other side of the small barn I looked at the fox. It had a foamy mouth and wide eyes. "Crystal, go back to the house and get your father. Stay inside while I take care of this."

"Okay." Crystal said frantically as she started running back to the house.

As I got close enough I saw Raine walking in the back field with our cow. Not realizing she was outside all this time made me nervous, but as long as she didn't notice the fox here she would be fine.

"Ice make spear." I put my hands together to catch the spear I had made from my magic. Then I placed the spear behind me and quickly flinging it forward. It impaled the fox, killing it within seconds. Usually I hated killing anything, but that fox was infected with rabies. Not a good thing to have anywhere.

"Aurora?" Gray called to me as he ran into the barn.

"I'm fine. I just sent Crystal away so I could strike it."

Gray looked at the dead fox. Walking up to it to get a better look, he nodded in understanding. He took the spear out of it's side and shattered it into tiny bits. "Been awhile since you used your magic." He stated.

"Yah well, I haven't really had to use it." I said placing a hand behind my neck with a shrug. "I'm a little out of practice."

"I don't know. It seemed pretty well made." Gray smiled. He formed a sword in one hand and got into a fight stance. "Battle?"

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