Emmie Dragneel

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#writingduringclass with @rosepeddle98@skullblood You guys rock

"What!? Gray and I said in unison. Even after all these years of knowing Emmie I still had no idea she was Natsu's sister. I can't believe she never told me. I didn't even know she had a brother. Emmie laughed as Gray and I stared at her with confusion.

"So do you think you can take me to the guild? I am kinda lost since I don't know my way around town." She asked.

I nodded with a sigh, but replaced my frown to a smile. I was still happy that she was joining the guild so of course I had to smile. "I'll ride with Gray and you can take Warrior if you want. I'm sure you don't want to walk there." I handed Emmie the reins and walked to Thunder. Gray took hold of my hand and pulled me up onto the horses back, behind the saddle.

Emmie stared at me with doubt. "How am I supposed to get on without a saddle?" She asked.

"Oh, right." I looked around and spotted a barrel close by. "Lead him there an use that barrel to mount him."

Emmie nodded and lead my horse to the designated area I told her to go to. She then got on and rode back to Gray and I. Gray nodded and kicked his heels to make us go. I put my hands around his waist and pulled myself close to him as I swayed from Thunder's movement.

"You two are pretty close, aren't you?" Emmie's voice said from beside us. I dug my head into Gray's back to hide my face.

"Of course we are. We wouldn't be married if we weren't close, right?" Gray stated. Emmie nodded and kept quiet the rest of the way to the guild.

Once we reached the building we dismounted and tied our horses up. Walking to the door and taking a deep breath, we walked in.

"What's up?" I called to the guild.

"Your back!" The guild cried with exitment. I smiled as everyone came to greet me back. After welcoming me back and asking me how everything was they noticed Emmie next to me.

"Who is this?" Mira asked from the crowd.

I turned toward Emmie. "This is an old friend of mine. Emmie, welcome to FairyTail!"

I noticed my friend looking around with wonder. Probably looking for her brother, Natsu. She looked at me and I nodded. Turning to erza I asked. "Hey Erza, do you know where Natsu went off to?"

Erza smiled with a nod. "I believe he and Lucy went to the diner or something. Why do you ask?"

I pointed to Emmie. "He is her brother."

Everyone in the hall quickly turned their gazes at us. "WHAT!?" They all yelled. Emmie gave an embarrassed smile as everyone's attention went to her. I quickly waved my hand and pulled Emmie out of the guild hall. Erza ran after us as we made our way to the diner located on the east side of town. As we walked in Erza was obviously the first to notice Natsu. She marched up to him and slapped him out of his spot in the chair. Lucy's eyes widened but kept quiet knowing that she can't argue with Erza.

"Natsu, you shit. Why did you never tell me that you had a sister?" Erza demanded. When Natsu stared at her in shock without an answer she slapped him again.

"Can you stop slapping me?" Natsu snapped. "I didn't think it mattered whether I had one."

"Glad to see that I'm important to you, Natsu." Emmie said toward her brother. Natsu turned at the sound of her voice as she walked up to the conversation.

"Emmie?" Natsu questioned. She nodded with a smile in response. Natsu got up from the floor and walked up to her. "Your all grown up!"

Emmie cocked an eyebrow and nodded. "Yah, glad you noticed."

Natsu gave a big smile that would make anyone smile back. "How have you been? It's been too long."

"Loose the act, Natsu. If you really wanted to see me that much you would have come visited me." Emmie gripped.

Natsu lost his smile and stared at her. "Yah. I suppose your right. "

"Oh well. It's good to see you again."

"I still can't believe I never knew this. We have been friends since we were little." I said with shock. "Anyway, Gray and I are going back home. Wendy can't watch the kids all day. We already took longer then we thought.

Emmie got a confused look on her face as she turned around. "Kids?"

I nodded. "Yah, Crystal and Cobalt."

"Oh! Mind if I come over? I would like to catch up with you."

"What about me?" Natsu asked.

"Tsk. I'll catch up with you later." Emmie waved her hand and walked to my side.

I led her out of the diner and walked to Gray who had the horse's reins in his hands.

"Aw, you brought them here! Thank you for the trip saver." I kissed his cheek and jumped onto Warrior's bare back and pulled Gray up behind me. We waited for Emmie to mount Thunder and then we lead the way back to our house.
We reached the house and we let the horses roam freely. As we walked into the house Crystal flew from the living room and in front of us. She greeted us with a big smile and wrapping her arms around Gray's leg. He placed his hand on her head with a bright smile.

"Emmie, this is my daughter." I introduced.

"Hi, my name is Crystal!" The little girl said from under Gray.

"Nice to meet you, Crystal." Emmie said with a smile. "How old are you?"

"I'm six." Crystal replied.

"Wow! Aurora, how old were you when she was born?"

"About twenty." I answered. She nodded slightly as she turned back to me.

"So where is your son?"

"Probably upstairs sleeping. My friend, Wendy, was watching over him while we were gone." I led Emmie up the stairs to Cobalt's room and peeked in. Wendy was near the baby's crib reading a book to herself. She looked up and saw me.

"Welcome back. How was your ride?" She greeted with a big smile.

"It was nice. I ran into an old friend who is actually Natsu's sister. So that was interesting."

"What? Since when does Natsu have a sister?" Wendy asked.

"I know!" Gray said from behind me.

I laughed and walked into the room. Emmie followed me while Gray went into the master bedroom. Gesturing to Emmie I introduced her to Wendy. "This is Natsu's sister, Emmie."

(Yo. So sorry it too while to update. I was working on other things. Anyway, I am starting another fanfic with a few of my friends so it's going to take longer for these updates.)

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