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Hallo everyone! So I have decided it's about time to update my chapters to make the story more interesting. Meaning, there will be better wording and scenery with the wording. If this is your first time reading, I hope you will enjoy the book. It starts out slow, but I hope you will continue reading for it gets better. Promise. <3


Run. That's all I could think about. I turned around to see the beast chasing after me. My dog was right beside me as we tore through the woods. Thick brush and thorns that was surrounded by a marshy floor made it near impossible to run through. The muscles in my legs were growing weak, and my lungs were failing to breathe properly.

I tripped over a root that stuck out from the ground, causing me to slide about three feet. I turned my head quickly and saw that the Vulcan was quickly gaining ground. Trying to get up was not an option; My muscles had no strength left for any movement.

Out from behind me, Raine jumped over me and shielded me of the beastly monkey; her face in a snarl as she stood her ground. As she began to attack, I felt dizzy. I looked down at my legs to see rips and streams of blood running down my skin. Feeling sick, I collapsed to the ground and everything went black.


"Hey, you okay? Wake up." A voice said. At first I thought it was just my mind, but when I opened my eyes I saw a boy holding me in his arms. I flinched out of his grip just to remember that my muscles were still too weak to hold me up. He looked at me with worry in his eyes. "Are you okay?" He asked again.

"Fine." I said kinda rudely. I didn't really have the best attitude around people I didn't know. After gaining some strength back, I sat up and looked around for Raine. She was nowhere in sight and my heart dropped.

"Looking for something?"

I nodded emptily as I replied, "My dog was with me."

The boy got up and pointed over to a bundle of fur. "Is that her?" He asked.

I looked over to the bracken colored fur and nodded with terror in my heart. "Raine, come!" I called to her. Her body remained motionless and I panicked. "Raine, come here now! Raine!" I began to cry as my mind told me she was dead. I knew I looked pathetic and weak, but that dog always had my back. Of course I was sad.

"She isn't dead." The stranger observed. I looked at him with relief as he carried my dog back to me. He was actually pretty attractive: black hair, dark eyes, and a nice set of abs. That's when I realized his shirt was off. Has it been off this whole time?

As he set Raine on the ground, I put my hands over her and studied her bones for any breaks. When I felt her back left leg, I realized it was a fracture. I looked up to the stranger with pleading eyes. "Can you find two flat sticks~?"

"Gray." He said as he got up and began to walk away to complete my request.

Everything was moving slow for me, causing me to get anxious. My panic turned to anger with everything for moving too slow. "Hurry up!" I snapped loudly in a harsh tone.

"If your going to be rude about me helping you, I'll just leave you here." Gray said with frustration.

As I realized he heard me and was taking it as a threat I began to beg, "No, wait! Sorry, don't leave." Gray stopped but didn't turn around.

"I didn't mean that." My anger arose again as he looked back at me with a doubtful look. "Seriously? You are going to be that way? Fine, if you don't help us I'll have to use the will of force." I taunted with a feeling my unnatural temperament was going to help.

Gray snickered. "How do you expect to do that?" He asked as he lent on a tree.

I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth. I used my magic to throw a blast of ice toward him. His eyes widened but he quickly intercepted my attack with a flare of ice from his own magic ability. He had the same power as me.

"Ice magic, huh." He walked up and crouched next to me. "Now I'm interested."

Woot! Chapter one edit complete! Danke for reading. Also, small side note about me. I don't write all my beginning and ending side notes in Japanese like a lot of those other fan-fic writers do. Its just not what I do. Instead I'll be writing in Deutsch! Yay... (._. ) I like German.

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