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(Hey guys. So I'm not sure about this chapter. I was in a writers block during this chapter. I had my editor and my agent help me write it. So if its not in my writing style.... Blame them. That's all you can do right? Enjoy)

I stared at Gray for who knows how long before I took a few more steps forward to be only a foot away from him. Tears started to well up in my eyes as I put my hand on his cheek. I was speechless.

"Sorry I was gone so long." He said to me in a soft voice. I didn't do anything. I was frozen in place, not knowing what to think. Gray put one arm around my waist and the other around my head. He pulled me close and kissed my lips.

"Mama , who is this?" Crystal asked . She was right beside me, looking up. I pulled my lips away from Gray's and looked down to our daughter.. My head was on Gray's chest as I was held by him. If I was dreaming, I never want to wake up.

I looked up to Gray. He looked back at me with a confused look on his face. He looked up to his brother who was standing about ten feet behind me. A suspicious glare went towards him.

I turned around to see Lyon with an awkward expression. Looking back to Gray I frowned as he looked back down to me. "Gray." I said in a calm voice, but he pushed me to the side a slight bit and walked toward Lyon. My heart began to pound as he clenched his fists. "Gray! It's not what you are thinking!" I tried to reassure him with a quick glance at Crystal. She was standing quietly looking back at me. I gave her a sign to stay put and bounded to Gray and taking ahold of his arms before he punched Lyon.

"You bastard! Think you can take her just cause I was gone?" Gray snapped through gritted teeth.

Lyon held his ground as Gray yelled at him with an excessive amount of fury. He didn't say anything, knowing it most likely would not help the situation.

I quickly got in between them and put both my hands on Gray's chest, pushing him back a step. "Gray, please! Listen."

Gray was tense. He didn't look at me, just stared past me with hatred. We all sat in a silence that I didn't like. After a few seconds Gray tried to twist past me and attempt to throw a punch again. I grabbed his arm and held it close to me.

"Gray!" I started to sob a little and he froze once more. "Look at me! I can assure you that Lyon and I are not together!" When I said this he turned toward me and I relaxed slightly, letting go of his arm. "Gray, I wouldn't fall in love with anyone except you." I held up my hand which had my wedding ring still on. "The night we got married I promised that if you ever died I would move on with life as though nothing happened. You are my everything and that will never change."

Gray's eyes started to tear up but the icy wind swept them out of his eye and froze them on his face. I grabbed his hand with mine and placed it on my chest. "Sorry." He muttered, then looked away. I smiled slightly, lifted my hand and slid it to his face,turning it back toward me and lent in to kiss him. Crystal tugged on my shirt and I pulled my lips away to look down.

"This is Crystal. She is our daughter." I felt Gray tense with shock. I looked back to see Gray's face. For a second I got worried and had bad thoughts. But Gray simply nodded and rested his head on mine.

" hello!" Crystal said with delight. Her eyes were bright and full of interest.

"Hi." Gray said with a smirk on his face.

I bent down and stroked the girl's hair. "Remember me telling you about your father?" I asked. Crystal thought for a second before nodding. I winked at her and saw her expression explode with excitement. She ran into Gray's arms and wrapped her arms around him. "Daddy!"

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