The Kill

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Almost a month had past since the incident and things haven't been going my way. Gray and I train almost everyday, but no progress has came from it. I was getting ready to just give up trying. Lucky for me Gray wouldn't let that happen.

"Aurora, you need to focus." Gray snapped.

"I am focusing!" I retorted back harshly. "This isn't exactly easy you know."

"I realize that, but you are hardly even trying at this point."

"Fine." I shout and run forward toward Gray at full speed. He moved out of the way but I quickly swung around and landed a blow to his cheek. Gray was stunned, so I took this chance to make another attack. "Ice-make dagger." I formed the sharp blade of ice and purposely threw it a few inches away from my good looking opponent to keep him off guard for a while longer. To get me into the upper advantage I swung my feet under Gray and making him loose his balance.

"Okay, you did good." Gray smiled. He got up and walked a few paces past me before pausing. "Let's give you time to chill."

"What? I want to beat you more though." I pleaded. Gray shook his head and continued walking. "You are afraid of loosing aren't you?" I teased. The dark haired man turned around and chuckled. He made his Excalibur sword and charged toward me. Feeling energy rise inside me I formed a sword of my own just in time before he collided with me, causing my body to slide back a foot.

"You won't take me by any surprise." Gray warned.

"I figured. Though I do have one small surprise for you." I started to lean back from the pressure of his strength. "I'm pregnant again."

"What!" Gray immediately stopped what he was doing and I grinned, looped around him and kicked him in the back.

"That was a lie you gullible boy." I laughed.

"Dammit Aurora. You had me scared there for a second." He heaved a sigh and sat up.

"I know. That's what I was going for." I told him as I wrapped my hands around his waist and placed my head on his shoulder. "The last thing we need is another child. I'm happy with the two we have."

"Mom! Dad!" Crystal came thrashing through the clear opening Gray and I were using as the training grounds. She was panicked which made me fret that something happened.

"What is it?" Gray asked with fear in his voice.

The words I never wanted to hear came out of her mouth. "Cobalt is missing." My pupils got small as I started to feel uneasy as terror filled my soul.

Gray quickly stood up and put his hand on Crystal's shoulder. "What happened?"

"Wendy, Cobalt, and I were playing out in the yard with the new barn kittens and Wendy went inside to grab some of the kitty treats so we could feed them. Out of nowhere a man approached us and just grabbed Cobalt. I yelled to Wendy and she went running after him." She took a big, hollow breath in and grabbed a piece of paper from her pocket. "He left this."

Gray quickly grabbed the paper and opened it up to read what it said. He clenched his fist and slid his fingers through his hair. He turned toward me with hurt in his eyes.

"What did it say?" I sniveled.

Gray shook his head rolling his eyes up to keep from shedding any tears. He bit his lip, completely lost. Like he had no hope to do anything. "It said if we don't want him to be killed we have to sacrifice something from ourselves. Most likely trade a life for a life. It also said if we even get the guild involved there will be no hesitation to kill Cobalt."

"No." I shrieked softly. Tears welled down my face and I put my face into my knees. Gray walked up to me and stroked my hair. I looked into his eyes and took a sorrowful breath. "What are we going to do? I'm so scared."

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