Our tag along

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We were so close to the town. I jumped in excitement as Gray and I started to make our way through the field. I tripped on what I thought was a rock, but I looked behind me to see a blue haired girl around the same age as me.

"Mercy of God! Holy shit!" I yelled in panic as we stared at each other. I have never seen her before and was wondering if she was spying on us.

"What are you yelling at?" Gray asked with a sigh. As he walked up to me he saw the girl and widened his eyes, "Juvia?" Shock filled his eyes as he stared at her. "What are you doing here?"

Juvia stared at him blushing. "Juvia couldn't let Gray-sama be alone with another girl." She said.

"You're such a creep." Gray responded with a small yell in his voice.

"Don't say that my love!" The bluenett said in a rather annoying voice.

I didn't know what to do or say, so I decided to just ask, "you know her?"

He stared at me and nodded slowly. "She is a member of Fairy Tail."

"I have never seen her around." I said looking embarrassed that I wasn't observant enough to notice her in her own guild. It was silent for a minute before I looked at both of them and said, "well we can't let her slow us down. We have to get to our job.
Gray nodded and turned around not thinking anything of Juvia as he walked away. I followed, walking next to him with Juvia walking behind us.

We made it into the town quickly with our new traveler. I looked around, stuck with nothing to do at that moment. We had no clue what our quest was since Erza refused to tell us. The three of us walked through the quiet town with a few people here and there. I decided we should head to the train station and look there. Erza said we would know what the quest was when we see it. What was that even supposed to mean?

As we made our way to the train station I saw someone familiar. I was too far to make out who it was but I felt like I've seen her. As we got closer I looked at the figure. It was Erza! What was she doing here? I tapped Gray's shoulder and pointed to Erza when we got close enough to make out her face. He nodded, showing that he noticed her too.

"What's she doing here?" Juvia asked.

  I looked at her and shrugged. "We should of asked you the same thing." Juvia turned her head and blushed, it was obvious she liked Gray. I didn't really care though, everyone has a crush, right?

"Hello." Erza greeted with a smile.

"Are you here to give us a job or something?" Gray asked.

  Erza shook her head, "I came here to take you-" she stopped, noticing Juvia. "I thought it was only you two?"

"It was." I reassured her. "Juvia followed far behind. We didn't notice her till we almost got here."

  Ezra nodded. "Anyway, I came to take you guys back to the guild." She finished.

"What about our job?" I asked.

Erza nodded with a smile, "There never was a job. I just sent you two out together to see if it bonded you two closer so you two would stop arguing. It seemed to work."

"You did what!?" Gray spat angrily. "We walked all this way for nothing?"

"I wouldn't say it was for nothing." Erza smiled. "Let's go."

We got onto a train and sat in silence. I can't believe Erza did that, though I got to admit it was pretty clever to get Gray and I closer. I smiled. "Maybe you should put Natsu and Gray on a job request." Erza laughed and shook her head. "They are on the same team. They tend to destroy everything on their own."

"Natsu can destroy anything by himself." Gray stated.

"Are you kidding?" I said in awe. "You are on the same team as Natsu? How do you manage?"

"I keep them in line." Erza answered. I nodded. "So I presume you are on their team?" I asked.

  "Yes, along with Lucy." She replied.

"We are Fairytail's strongest team." Gray said proudly.

"Wow, not a surprise since Erza is in it." I said with a smile, "Natsu looks pretty strong too."

"Is that a challenge?" Gray sneered.

  I put my hands up in the air with a innocent, sarcastic voice. "Of coarse not!" Gray just rolled his eyes and looked out the train's window. I followed his stare and smiled to the sight of a beautiful day. Could it get any prettier than this?

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