The dance

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(The picture in the media is what my hair looks like. It's just a dark brown.)

I looked up at Gray with a bright blush in my cheeks. Did he really just do that? He looked so cute when he was embarrassed; so to make it a little less awkward I turned around and slipped my hands around his waist so they wrapped around his back. Then I balanced on the front of my feet and kissed his cheek. I didn't want it to be on the lips for a reason named Erza. Gray wasn't much taller than me either so I didn't really have to get on my toes to kiss him. I am 5'9" and he is around 6'1" feet so yah.

(Play the song in the media.)

"Erza, how about you get us some drinks." I smiled. Erza winked at me and walked off. I hope she didn't take that in a weird way.  I thought for a second and realized she was thinking what I didn't want her to. Ignoring the thought, I put my head on Gray's chest and heaved out a sigh.

  "You okay?" Gray asked. I nodded and closed my eyes, listening to the music.
I loved this song. It had so much emotion in it and was a perfect song for a slow dance. But I just wanted this moment to stay how it was. A quiet, peaceful moment. My arms around Gray's back and his arms around my neck with his head rested on mine. I could feel his steady heartbeat on my chest. It was so beautiful; this moment was probably the best of my life. I don't know how or why but it was nice to have such comfort. Gray's head shifted and it was now his forehead on my head.

I could tell Erza was back with our drinks now but she let us be. She didn't want to ruin our moment that she had been waiting for this whole quest. I don't know how long we were standing there till we pulled apart. I'm guessing a few minutes at the least. What gave me that feeling? Was it the song, the earlier kiss, or was it just the fact that we realized how happy we were together that we didn't want to let go? All I knew was that I loved every second of it. I think I am falling in love with him. Erza was smiling when I turned around from Gray's shoulder. I don't know what she was thinking, but I didn't care. I was too happy.

"Your drinks." Erza finally said. I nodded and took a cup; it was warm tea. I sipped it and looked out a window. It was late which probably meant it would be time we go. I saw a few people leaving so it wouldn't be suspicious if we left now.

"Do you want to go?" Erza asked as if she read my mind.

I shrugged. "Sure. We have what we came for right? And a few have left too. So I think it will be safe if we left." Erza nodded in agreement. I quickly finished my tea and walked to the exit with Erza and Gray, which had an arm around my waist as we walked out.

"Hope you all had a good time!" A lady called out to us.

  Erza answered. "We had a ton. Thanks for having us." She waved and I smiled. 'Yeah, thanks for the gem.' I thought.

We made it to the train station and changed into our usual clothes. We then hopped onto the train to the town the job assigner lived and sat down. Just as I did when we traveled here, I put my head on Gray's shoulder and closed my eyes. Are we dating now? I wondered. I wouldn't if we were, but if we aren't... I don't know. Whatever Gray thinks, I will like him. He is a good guy and I honestly see my whole life with him. My mind slipped into sleep and I snuggled closer to Gray. This was a night I would always remember.

(Author's note: I am going to start making the chapters longer now. Kinda the length of the last chapter. Maybe longer. But what do you guys think of it? Yes/ No? I hope it's a yes! Well, y'all better wait till my winter chapter. ;) I already have it planned out.)

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