Healing Suprise

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(There will be a lot of switching of POV in this chapter... Well, maybe like 3 or 4 times. Idk.... Anyways, my agent helped come up with a few things for this chapter so I am going to dedicate it to her! I think she comes up with the funniest ideas ever if she doesn't try.)

I woke up in a unfamiliar room. Looking to the side I saw Gray softly looking at me with both his hands placed on my left hand. I then saw Crystal on the chair next to him, asleep.

"Hey." He greeted softly as I looked back to him. "How you feeling?"

I sighed, "I've been better I guess." Taking another look around the room I wondered. "How did I get here?"

"I had Natsu run back to the town to get help." He lifted a hand and placed it on his head. "I'm glad your okay."

"Yeah." I quietly said. "I thought you had gotten up to keep me company. But when I felt the warmth of his hands, I knew it wasn't you. Then he stabbed me. I'm sure when I tried pulling back the knife sliced more skin than it should of." I glanced at my daughter who was starting to wake up from hearing talking. "How did Crystal get here."

  Gray nodded. "When we brought you here I got a hold of the guild and Lucy went to get her."

  "Mama!" Crystal cried getting up and running to my side. Her arms wrapped around me and she started to sob.

"I'm okay, Crystal. No need to worry about me." I forced a smile to at least make Crystal more relaxed. In truth my back hurt like a bitch, but I didn't want to worry either of them.

A nurse walked in with a clipboard. "All your organs seem to be fine. Nothing a little rest won't help."

"Thank you." I replied. "How long have I been here?"

"About two days." The nurse replied going to a counter to read some papers. "You are in way better shape than when you came." Crystal turned to face the nurse and smiled. The women smiled back. "Is she your daughter? You seem young to have a kid. Your twenty-four now."

I nodded, "yeah she's mine. I was twenty

"Wow. You were pretty young." The nurse laughed.

"Sure. Even though I had to go four years without Gray since he was out in war."

"That's a real bummer there." She turned toward Gray. "And you couldn't come back at all?"

Gray looked at me and shook his head. "I didn't even know she was pregnant till I came back."

I laughed and pat Crystal's head. "She didn't want anyone to know she was there till later on."

"Sneaky one, eh?" The nurse teased. Crystal snuggled herself into my arms as she smiled. "Well, I'll leave y'all alone for a while. You will be ready to be checked out in a few days."

"Alright. Thanks again." I said before the nurse closed the door. We all sat in silence till the door opened again. This time it was Natsu, Erza, and Lucy.

"What's up?" Natsu greeted with a big smile.

"Not much. Just sitting around." I told him. "What about you guys?"

"Coming to see you of course." Erza replied. "I heard you were knifed."

"Unfortunately." I mumbled. "Luckily I am fine. Should be out in a few days."

"That's good to hear." Erza nodded. "So I guess it didn't get too deep?"

"Yeah. I think since I moved to the side it didn't o as deep, but it is probably going to leave one hell of a scar. Luckily I wasn't alone. That could of been bad."

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