Another day

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Sorry for lame title. XD idk what to name it and I just wanted to publish it. So enjoy thus chapter. ^.^ btw Kiersten, thanks for that lovely image you got stuck in my fuckin head!!! You guys will understand if you know how much my agent loves lemon fanfics right now in life... Read this chapter and just ignore my stupid author note. -.- XD


It's been a few months since Gray and I found out that I was having a second child. We have had our struggles but so far we have managed to get over most of them. Gray stays home from the guild most days to care for Crystal and I. All day I give him so much credit for putting up with me. I'm just glad he is doing his best for me.

"Gray? We are running low on food. There is a list of stuff you need to get. Can you do that?" I asked.

"Sure." Gray replied as he walked down the stairs. He walked to the counter and grabbed the list. "Rabbit meat? Where the hell do I get that?"

I looked at him, "I don't care where you get it. If you have to take Raine with you into a field to hunt one down, do it. I just want rabbit meat. Speaking of which. Can you take her to the shop? She needs the exercise."

"Fine." Gray sighed. He whistled and Raine walked from the kitchen area. He opened the door and he and Raine left.

I closed my eyes and rested for an hour or so. When I woke up, Crystal was sitting next to me. "Hello Crystal. What are you up to?"

"I'm sitting on the couch next to you, Mommy." She simply replied.

I looked the other way and mouthed to myself, 'of corse you are'. When I looked back to her she looked as if she was in deep thought. "What's on your mind?"

Crystal looked up to me then pointed to my belly. "So there is a child in you? How did it get in your tummy? Did you eat a child, Mommy?"

"What? No, I did not eat a child." I smiled.

"So what is it?"

"A child." I answered.


"Because I am having another kid. Just like you."

"So your saying I came from in your tummy too?"

"That's right."

Crystal looked at the floor and made a big frown face. "That's weird."

I laughed. "Maybe so. I'm sure you'll understand when you are older and have your own kids."

"Oh? Ok. Also, can I get a pony?" She asked.

"What, a pony?"

"Yah, you know. They are like Raine, but they are a pony."

"Jeez, that was specific." I muttered under my breath. I nodded, "I know what a pony is. Maybe when your a little older."

"Why do I have to be older for everything?"

"Why do you ask so many questions?" I snapped tiredly.

"Because I am curious." She whined stubbornly.

As Crystal and I complained on, Gray opened the door with Raine. He showed an obvious fake smile and walked up to the couch which I was on with our complaining daughter.

"How are my two favorite girls?" He asked.

"No one wants to talk to your, Gray!" I snapped exchanging a glare with Crystal.

Gray walked across the room to the kitchen area and placed the groceries on the counter. He then walked to the door and opened it. "Crystal. Lets go for a walk. Your mom needs time with no stress."

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