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Emmie has been in the guild for about four days now. She has been getting along with everyone very well so far. I sighed. Except right now. Everyone was watching as Emmie and Natsu made all hell break loose in the hall. Why does everyone have to be fighting all the time?

"There is now at I'm loosing to my little sister!" Natsu yelled.

"Well you will just have to deal with it!" Emmie yelled back using her flame fist to attack her older brother. Though everyone noticed her attacks had little damage on him. Also, Natsu's attacks were slowly deteriorating Emmie's power. If she didn't step up her game she would loose quicker than she would like.

"This is why I wanted to wait to bring Cobalt here." I sighed as my son watched everything from Gray's arms.

"He'll be fine." Gray said with a smile. "Didn't you bring Crystal here a ton when she was young?"

I nodded with a second sigh. "That's what I'm afraid of." I implied. A laugh came from Gray as he looked over to our daughter. She was sitting with Raine as she watched the flame fight. Next to her sat Wendy, making sure she stayed out of trouble. She had been teaching Crystal how to use healing magic for about a week or two now. I was happy Crystal found the "perfect magic" she had been looking to use.

"Give in now!" Natsu said. The two siblings were spitting and throwing fire all over the place. This had been going on since Gray and I walked in. That was about an hour ago. How can people fight that long over nothing? Though I guess I can't talk. Gray and Natsu have gone days just fighting over some small disagreement. Whenever Gray and I fight, we usually go about two hours with silence. Whenever we disagree it usually looks like a fight will break out, but then I give him the silent treatment.

After about ten more minutes Natsu had Emmie on the floor. She looked out of breath from all the running around and using most of her magic energy. Looking at Natsu's conditions, it looked like he was just catching his second wind. They both put up quite a fight making it obvious that they both trained hard under the same watchful eye.

"Couldn't you guys do that out of the guild? Some of us were busy keeping the building from bursting into ash." Laxus snapped.

"Sorry." Emmie apologized.

"Don't apologize to him!" Natsu retorted.

"I'm the guild master here!" Laxus spat.

"Guild master my ass!"

"Shut up flame head."

"Stop it!" Erza yelled getting between the two. "We don't need more fights today."

The two dragon sayers glared at each other then turned away to mind their own lives. They haven't changed at all during the years I've known them.

Gray was trying to hide a laugh as his rival got in trouble. Though Natsu noticed him and glared at him. I put my head on Gray's shoulder and my hand around Cobalt's belly. Natsu took my sign and looked away.

"I could have taken him on if you just took Cobalt from me." Gray complained.

"He has been in too many fights today." I sighed. "You don't need to be in any fights either. Accepting every challenge you get is not a good idea."

"Oh please. A little fight has never hurt anyone."

"Whatever." I groaned, not arguing anymore. Why must boys start fights all the time? It's so annoying.

"Mom!" Crystal yelled, running toward me. She slid to a halt and held out her hand. Not understanding what she was doing I took ahold of it and searched for anything wrong with it. Seeing nothing I looked up to her face. She was way to exited to be injured.

"What did you want to show me?" I asked with confusion.

"I have learned a magic spell." Crystal piped.

"Let's see it." I told her.

"It works on cuts only." She implied.

"Oh. I'm sure we can find someone with a cut." As I said that I grabbed Gray's left hand and gripped it in my hand. He stared at me with confusion a he didn't know what was happening. I scratched one of my nails across an inch of his arm. He pulled away and glared at me.

"Give me your hand, Dad!" Crystal demanded. I smiled at him with a nod. Sighing, he extended his arm toward Crystal. She concentrated on her new magic power as she tried out the spell. A small light came from her hands and after a minute the small cut that I gave Gray was gone.

"Wow!" I said with excitement to Crystal, making her fill with happiness.

"Thank you Crystal. That was a good job!" Gray smiled.

Crystal squealed and ran back to Wendy to tell her it worked. Her mentor smiled and gave her a hug with praise. I was so glad Wendy agreed to teach Crystal magic when she was so eager to learn it.

"Was that really necessary?" Gray asked. I nodded as I put my hand under his chin. He smiled and put his hand on my cheek. We lent forward and right as we were about to kiss, Cobalt started crying. We paused and stared at each other for a moment before Gray sighed and turned away. He picked up the crying baby and started comforting him. Everyone was looking at Gray. The last thing they expected to see is Gray bouncing a baby around. They started whispering with amusement.

"Your so cute." Erza said as she lent over the couch. Gray lanced back with a slight blush.

"He has a responsibility now." I smiled. "I think it's adorable!"

"Geez." Gray said with a slight sigh.

"You are a fine father, Gray." Erza laughed.

"Stop making a big deal out of this. I'm holding a baby. Big whoop!" Gray said, keeping his eyes on Cobalt.

"Alright." I chuckled and leaned on his shoulder. He turned his head and kissed the top of my head. "I bet Crystal will be an amazing sky magic Mage." I said, changing the subject.

"She is learning from Wendy. She knows her magic well. I'm sure she will teach Crystal the best way possible." Erza laughed.

"She has your spirit, Aurora." Gray said as he looks at our daughter.

I laughed. "Does she?"

"Oh yah." Gray and Erza said with emphasis.

"You had a crazy amount of energy for as long as I've known you." Gray pointed out.

"Now I just want to sleep." I gripped. "Kids are the one thing that can take all that energy away from me."

Gray put an arm around my neck and rubbed my shoulder. My eyes closed with relaxation and making me fall into sleep. Before I went fully into my dreams I heard Gray whisper. "It's all worth it in the end."

(Yo guys! I didn't know how to end this chapter. And since y'all are SO FUCKING IMPATIENT I decided to just roll with it. So no complaining at school tomorrow @Emmie_Dragneel @Eli_Marvell @kdbnatsu_lucylover

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