Is this love?

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(You know what? I might put Gray's POV in this chapter at some point. Also a reminder. This is going to be a longer chapter. Like, really long...)

I woke up drowsily and realized I was on Gray's back. I moaned and rubbed my eyes, "where are we?" I asked tiredly.

"We finished the quest and you fell asleep so I am carrying you back to your place." Gray said. "Thanks." I thanked him. "No problem. I couldn't just leave you there now could I." I smiled and hugged him, "guess not."

We made it to my place and I hopped off his back. It was just like our "job request" Erza sent us on when we first met. How long ago was that, spring I believe? "Gray?" I asked.


I still had my head against his shoulder with my eyes closed, "tonight... What, I mean.. I don't know, never mind" I couldn't get myself to say the words. I just wanted to know if he loved me. I looked away shyly and a little tensed up. I didn't know what to do. Gray took my chin and lifted my head to face him. Our eyes met and it was just like a force pulled us toward each other and we kissed for a few seconds then pulled apart.

"I enjoyed tonight with you." Gray said. (Time is probably around 2:30 am.)

I nodded and turned around to my door. I waved and called out a "goodnight" and walked in. I was greeted by Raine jumping all over me, wagging her tail frantically. Together my dog and I went up the stairs and went to my bed. I almost instantly fell asleep when I hit my bed. I guess we are dating. I thought as my last thoughts faded.

I woke up around noon that day. Rays of sunlight shone through my window and I went to the edge of my bed. Raine popped her head off the bed and she got off. I followed her downstairs and grabbed her leather leash and snapped it on her collar. I waked her outside and we headed for the guild hall. Wendy loved Raine so every once in a while I would bring her with me to roam around the hall freely.

We reached the doors to the hall and I swung them open and everyone stated at me. I paused and stared back in discomfort. "Umm, hi?" I said confused. Everyone was either laughing or yelling comments at me like:

"Is it true you and Gray are dating?"

"You and Gray are so cute!"

I walked awkwardly to the bar and let Raine off her leash to go attack everyone with love. "What's this about?" I asked Mira who was washing a few mugs.

"It seems you and Gray have a relationship from what I hear." Mira replied.

I looked at the counter and just stared at it. Hopefully it's true. I said to myself since I too didn't know the answer. "Maybe." I said in a small voice. "Depends on how things are I guess."

"Really!" Mira squealed. I shrugged, "don't have to get all childish about it. Not like we are getting married or anything." Mira gave me a happy smile, "maybe one day." She winked and I looked away. "Who even told you this anyway?" "A little bird named Erza." Mira said. "Of corse it was her." I groaned.

Erza came up next to me with Lucy at her side. They both had that look on their face and they didn't even have to say anything. "Don't you two start!" I sneered.

"Why not? You two are adorable." Erza said with a cheap smile. Lucy had an innocent smile on her face as she started in the conversation, "I know who won't be too happy. Looks like I'm not Juvia's love rival anymore."

"What is this Juvia hears about my darling Gray?" Juvia pipped in. I hit my head against the table and Lucy was the one who replied, "that he is taken." Juvia's eyes widened and she looked around, "whoever it is, they are going to have to fight for him!"

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