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How did this happen? I though using my ice magic to fight off the bad guys. It has been going on for a few hours by now, and I had been fighting with all the magic power I had in me. As my power got low I became cautious about how I used it. Then I heard yelling, I turned around and saw my guild. My hopes of seeing Aurora were high but I never saw her. Mira pulled up beside me and I asked her where my wife was.

"Master told her to stay behind." Mira responded with a reassuring look. She fought close to me knowing my magic energy was running low. I was glad that Aurora stayed behind, I couldn't afford to have her get hurt.

"Hey need help?" A voice said behind me. I turned to see Lyon using his magic to make other wizards back off.

"Lyon, what's up?" I asked getting another wizard from the other side.

"Not much. Just fighting off evil. How about you? Getting along with your wife; Where is she?"

"She had to stay behind. She is making me fight for her I bet." I laughed and striked a few more blows before continuing. "She can be a pain sometimes, but she knows how to make me happy."

A few days passed and the fight still continued. Yesterday I got to take the day to regain energy along with a few others. Now I was back in the fight. At the moment I was sitting behind a boulder with Natsu and Erza. We were waiting for a chance to make a blow on someone who came close. War is no time to waste magic with a chance not affecting the opposite side.

The three of us sat there till we heard a high pitch scream. We looked over the rock and I saw a girl from one of the other guilds being pinned down. "I'll go." I said getting up then running close to the two. "Get away from her!" I yelled in fury, throwing a dart of ice to the man pinning the girl. The guy got up and glared at me.

"You should have let me Finnish her." The man said, "so instead it'll be you in her place.

I shook my head gaining power in my hands to form a weapon out of ice. "I have a wife back home. So I have no choice- I can't die."

"We'll see about that." He said jumping toward me. I threw to ice dart but he dodged and hit me in the chest with a weapon of his own. I heard a scream and everything went black.

*one year later*

It has been a year since the war started. I have no clue how long it would last or if it had ended but everyone died. All I could do is hope everyone was okay. Of coarse I was worried but I couldn't do anything. Raine was walking down the stairs a little slower than usual. She is eight so she was just starting to get older. I got up and pat her head noticing a small amount of gray flecks of gray on her muzzle.

"How is little Crystal?" I said looking toward the stairs. Raine tilted her head with her tongue lolling to the side. I smiled and walked up the stairs to the room of the little girl. I lent over the crib and touched her delicate head. "Your father is going to die when he gets back for being gone for so long." I whispered.

Crystal opened her eyes, her light crystal blue eyes being revealed. That's how I chose her name. She laughed and I picked her up, I can't remember the last time she had cried. I was glad she was a quiet, happy child.

A knock came from down stairs on the door and I walked down the stairs to open it. As I opened the door my eyes widened. Erza? I was about to have a excitement attack. "Oh my gosh, your back!" I said giving her a hug from the opposite side Crystal was on. "The war?"

"It's over, all over." Erza reassured. She looked at my shoulder and smiled, "who is this?" She asked softly.

Crystal chuckled and out stretched her arms as I responded, handing her to Erza. "This is Crystal. She is my daughter."

Erza looked at me in shock, "she is your daughter?" Her eyes brightened and I smiled.

"Speaking of which where is Gray? I need to go beat him up for leaving me for this long." I laughed with my hand on my hip.

"Gray?" Erza's smile dropped to a sad frown. Her eyes darkened with sorrow. "I'm sorry."

My heart dropped and my heart started to pound. "No, he can't be- dead?" My hand went over my chest and my eyes started to water. Erza grabbed me with one hand and I cried on her shoulder. She didn't have her usual armor on, just a black shirt with her skirt she almost always wore.

"I'm so sorry, Aurora." Erza weeped. "He died saving someone."

I nodded, "I'm glad that was how he died. It's better than dying for no reason." I turned my head and looked at Crystal. Her eyes staring at mine with a blank expression. "She- never got to even meet her own father."

Erza said nothing, just nodded. She knew that anything she could say wouldn't help me any.

After about ten minutes I heaved in a sad sigh and pulled away from Erza's hug. I forced out a weak smile still feeling depressed. "I have to see everyone again."

"You don't have to come to the guild after a loss like that. I'm sure you are too sad to go anywhere right now."

I looked to my side and asked, "when did he die?"

"Not too long after the war started, maybe a month or two." Erza stammered quietly.

"It's been a year since the war began. So he has been gone for about ten months. I know if he saw me right now he would do his best to make me happy. He hates seeing me sad, so I have to be happy- for his sake. No matter how sad I want to be, I know he is watching me still."

Erza's expression changed to a sympathetic look. "Your right." She agreed. "So you sure you want to go to the guild so soon after- you know."

"Yes." I nodded, "I still need to see everyone else. I still missed them. The hall has been so quiet since you all have been gone. I need some excitement. Also, Crystal needs to meet everyone."

Erza and I walked to the guild hall with little Crystal in my hands and Raine bouncing next to me trying to keep watch over the delicate baby. I kept scolding her but she never listened. Erza opened the doors and I called to everyone, "we're here!"

Life's path (fairytail fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now