Two years

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(Ok I know some of you won't like the time skip but that's what's going to fuckin happen. So whatcha gonna do about it!>:( just kidding, I love you guys. XD I'm so mean. Anyway their ages now are Gray:20 and Aurora:18 hope thats not weird for you cause thats how it is! Also, you guys probably don't want to hear this but yes, Aurora does almost completely strip in front of Gray. So please don't be like *thinking dirty thoughts.* ok? ok. Enjoy this chapter.)

It has been two years since Gray and I have been dating. We were walking through the forest that was near my house. The trees were in full bloom, flowers falling gently onto the ground. They made me remember when Gray and I first met. Though we were older our spirits were the same. Well, mine were anyway. Gray decided to grow up which is fine by me. He still had the same stripping habit he has always endured.

"What's on your mind?" He asked. His blue eyes shaded in the shadows of the forest. He had his hands in his pockets looking down at me.

I wrapped my arms around his and lent against his shoulder. "Just thinking." I looked at the treetops. "Remember when we first met?" I asked.

"Like it was just yesterday." Gray responded. "You were such a brat back then. I never thought that we would come this far even as friends."

I shoved him to the side into a tree. "But we are close now. And that's all that matters, that we are together and that it stays that way." He touched my cheek with his thumb and nodded. I saw a reflection in his eye as he grabbed the necklace on me and studied it. "I never took it off since you put it on." I told him kindly.

"I know."

I grabbed his hand and pulled him quickly out of the forest. I forgot that Natsu and Lucy were expecting us at one of Magnolia's fine restaurants to go on a double date. I dragged him inside my house and ran up the stairs in a major rush. "What should I wear?" I yelled at Gray who was standing in the door way.

"For what?" He asked.

"Don't tell me you forgot?" I said pulling out a dress just to put it back. "We are meeting Lucy and Natsu! Remember?"

"Oh yah. Must have slipped my mind." He interjected.

I rolled my eyes, "that's sounds familiar." I picked out a short sapphire blue dress and threw it on. I then threw my hair together and walked up to Gray. He was wearing fairly casual clothes as we left for town.

"Hello." I greeted Natsu and Lucy with a wave. They waved back as we crossed the room and sat down across the table. I pulled a menu and looked though it, studying each entrée.

"Are you all ready to order?" A waitress asked professionally.

We nodded and the boys ordered first. Next Lucy ordered a salad. Then me with my big appetite, "I would like the double steak and cheese with everything on it." The waiter smiled and jotted it down and walked away.

"You know how big that sandwich is?" Gray asked surprised since I had a limit to what I ate at home.

"Yeah I know but it's so good!" I looked back at the menu and read off, "in between the buns are some kind of fries, a piece of steak, lettuce, tomato, and cheese." My mouth watered.

Gray laughed, "you could eat the whole restaurant and you would stay your constant weight." He put his arm around me and pulled me close.

We waited for about five to ten minutes for all our food. But when it came we dug in. I ate my monster burger in a fast time of just under six minutes. I was also first to Finnish. I think they were surprised that considering my "I must stay fit, I have to watch what I eat" habit I had that they didn't expect me to eat so fast.

"Are you sure you have eaten before?" Lucy said, her eyes were wide as I finished the burger. I laughed and nodded taking a few fallen fries from the plate and ate them.

We left the restaurant after sitting and eating while we ate. We said our farewells and headed back to our homes. Gray was walking a few yards behind me as I pranced about in my dress. I came running back to him and tried to run with me but he resisted. I frowned and turned away. He grabbed my back and legs and held me wedding style. My annoyance faded as he carried me to the house we shared now.

"I'm taking a bath." I said taking off my dress leaving on only a skin colored, strapless bra and underwear. I was at the door as Gray replied looking at my well toned stomach and muscled legs.

"Ok. I'll see you when you get out." Gray said with a small smile. I nodded and walked out of the room to the bath.

The water was steaming as I slowly stepped in. I was very relaxed when I herd a scratch on the door. Raine. She barked and I put my face up to my nose underwater. I was probably in the tub for half and hour before I decided to get out. I grabbed my silk pajamas and put them on and walking out. As I got back into my room I saw Gray passed out on the bed. He was on his side with his arms sprawled, hanging off the bed. His mouth was slightly opened as his breath steadily inhaled and exhaled. I loved his face when he was sleeping- So peaceful. Silently turning off the light I got into bed under the covers and laid my back against his, quietly falling asleep with him once again at my side.

(Ok, I know I end a lot of my chapters with them falling asleep. But trust me in a few of the future chapters I will have the chapters end better. Such as next chapter. Hint: thanks Kiersten. (Only she will understand... Maybe.) anyway. Yes I promise next chapter will be hopefully good. *wink* No dirty thoughts guys. Geeze, I have to remind all my friends since they are all reading this. Whatever. Sorry I publish this late. I usually get them updated sooner. But oh well, wattpad was being shit today at school so couldn't write there. Bye before this note gets too long.)

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