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(I know last chapter was short Kiersten! Lol but this chapter will be longer, meaning more time spaces. Yay! I have been exited to write this chapter for one reason. *wink* lol I'm cruel to my characters.)

We had just left the train station and of course the boys were hungry. We stopped at a small diner and ordered some food. The waitress was quick with bringing us our food so we ate and decided to stay and chat awhile before we started our quest.

"I heard this guy is really smart and sneaky. All the people who have tried looking for him never succeeded." Lucy read the description on the paper aloud for us to plan our strategy to catch the wanted man.

"I say we find him and strike right there." Natsu said slamming his fist on the table.

"Clueless as ever." Gray casually said.

"What did you say?" Natsu snapped.

"You heard me!"

"Guys!" I spat angrily. "I'm going to beat both of you for him if I have to. Take this seriously and grow up!"

The two arguing friends stopped in a unsettled manor. I looked back to the paper and started thinking. We would probably have to watch each other's backs if this guy is really that strong. And along with that he could be anywhere. I sighed and put my hands on my forehead. "I say when we find him we study his actions, not letting him out of our sight. That would be the safest plan. If we have to improvise we will, but we should stick with that plan for now."

"Sounds good." Lucy agreed. "You all know what he looks like, right?"

Everyone nodded but Gray chipped in a comment. "But we never know. He could be a master of disguise as well."

"Yah, that's true." I said, leaning onto his arm. "I still think we should stick with my original plan till we can get more information on him."

"Okay." Gray agreed. "Let's find somewhere to stay tonight and we can start looking around for him in the morning." He got up from out of the booth and took my hand. We all walked out of the diner and went to the nearest motel. We all decided to share a room so we could talk about anything if we needed to.

As night fell we were just hanging around our room quietly doing whatever. Natsu was sitting on his bed with his eyes closed and his arms crossed. Lucy was writing some things on paper which I am guessing is one of her stories. Gray was sitting on the floor against the bed, reading different papers about the man we were looking for, while I was on his shoulder half asleep.

Gray looked at me and put his hand on my head and started to rub it. I curled up closer to him and let him rub my head as I slept. After a few minutes he rubbed my shoulder and got up. I moaned and tiredly got up and slid onto the bed, not bothering getting under the covers.

"Night." I softly whispered to Gray before completely falling asleep next to him.

The next morning I woke up to find that Natsu and Gray were gone. Looking around I noticed that Lucy was still asleep in her and Natsu's bed. I got up and walked to a table with a note on it. Picking it up, I read:

Didn't want to wake you two. Went to find any traces of the man. Be back soon.

"Dammit. Going without us." I mumbled irritably. It was so frustrating that they didn't bother wake us up when it was supposed to be a group request. Sighing I decided that they weren't stupid enough to go alone.

Lucy sat up in her bed and looked at me in confusion. "Where are the boys?"

"Left without us."

"What? Should we catch up?" She had jumped out of bed and threw on her clothes.

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