Falling leaves

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It had been a month since I joined the guild of Fairytail. My guild mark was on my right shoulder blade. It was a nice shade of purple. (It's the cover page of the book. Hopefully you guys know where your shoulder blade is.) It was now Autumn in Fiore so leaves were flying! It was still pretty though. I sat next to Lucy, Natsu, Erza and Gray at the bar, drinking a warm tea. I had grown close to the four and we hung out a lot. I wasn't all into quests though, but every once in a while I would join them for rent money; or just go on a solo quest.

I finished my tea as Natsu and Lucy were talking about magic; Erza in a conversation with Mira; and Gray looking out at the guild hall.

  After a few minutes I got a headache and put my head in my arms and closed my eyes. I got headaches often when I drank anything with honey but it soothes my throat so I drink it anyways. I lifted my head and saw Gray looking my way.

"Can I help you?" I asked with a smile. He shrugged and I put my head down and looked at my empty cup. I saw my reflection and I looked at my hazel eyes. They were a mix of brown and green, outlined with a soft blue.

"You look so peaceful when you sleep." Erza remarked with a small smile as she turned to me from the other side of Gray.

I looked at Erza with confusion."When was I sleeping?" I asked.

Erza smiled as she replied, "A few minutes ago, ater your tea was finished."

  I nodded once and thought how she could tell if I was peaceful or not when my face was in my arms. Maybe my breathing was smooth and quiet. Is that why Gray was looking at me? No matter now. I decided and continued to talk to Erza. "So I forgot to ask about your last quest. How did it go?" I asked.

"It went well." Erza replied. "Natsu and Gray managed to do very little damage to the town. They only wrecked a house or two."

Natsu broke from his conversation at the sound of his name. He looked at us for a second then smiled. "Those people saw it coming."

I looked over to him, "I bet they did." Gray let out a small chuckle along with Erza and Lucy. I yawned and saw it was getting late. "Well, I'm going to go home for the night. Raine needs some care for." I told everyone as I got up and waved them goodbye.

As I walked through the woods with Raine the next morning, I noticed how pretty the trees were. Their dark orange and yellow colors fell off the branches of the trees and landed  softly on the ground. It was quite nice to walk through all of the scenery. The sun shone through the top of the treetops, lighting up the forest around Raine and I.

Raine perked her ears and looked out into the distance, wagging her tail and barking with excitement. I followed her gaze but saw nothing. Darn dogs are always barking at nothing. She kept pulling back as she looked behind her. She really wanted to chase something. I sighed and took her leash off and she darted off into the trees.

"Raine!" I called her back after a while. Waiting for my dog to return I sat down and put my head into my knees which had my arms wrapped around them. I listened carefully for my dog's footsteps and when I didn't hear them after a minute I called again. Eventually I got up and turned around.

"Missing someone?" The voice of Gray sounded from behind me. I looked and saw in his hands; Raine's collar with Raine wagging her tail.

"So that's what you were barking at." I said in amusement. Raine barked and I snapped on her leash. "So what are you doing out here, Gray?" I asked.

Gray looked around. "Same thing as you." He responded.

  I stared at him. "You are lacking a certain canine." I patted Raine's head and started walking with Gray beside me.

We walked in silence looking at the surrounding trees, silently admiring them. A fast wind blew over the forest and I looked up. The trees were swaying to the gust of wind and a cracking noise came from a close distance- a tree was falling. I looked around to see where it was coming from when all of a sudden Gray lurched at me knocking me off my feet. I let go of my Dog's leash and she darted off as she did before. I looked behind me and saw a tree crashing right where I stood. Gray was over me with his arms around my torso and his face inches from mine.

I twisted a little and put my hand on his chest. "You okay? I hope you aren't dead Gray." He didn't move but his breath was going onto my face and I felt his slightly fast heartbeat on my lower chest. Gray finally got up a little embarrassed, and gave me his hand to help me up. Blushing slightly I smiled. "Thanks for saving me back there." I was hesitant for a moment and my heart started to pound for what I was about to do. I stretched up and kissed his cheek and I ran off not looking back to see his reaction.

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