The day after

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What did I just do? Was I thinking? God things are going to be so awkward now aren't they? All these thoughts rushed through my head as I ran through the forest toward my house. I lived on the outskirts of these woods so I wasn't too far away from it.

As I reached my house I opened the door and slammed it quickly behind me. I ran up the stairs and jumped onto my bed, throwing my head into my pillow. "Ugg!" I screamed into it clenched my fists. Then the unthinkable happened, my door knocked. I jumped and realized there were tears welling up in my eyes as I walked down to the door. I held the door handle for a moment wiping away the tears that were on my face. I then took a deep breath and opened the door. Looking down I saw Raine tied to a small tree near my door with a small piece of paper in her collar. "Oh God." I whispered as I untied Raine and brought her inside. I got back on my bed and opened the note. It was from Gray.

Dear Aurora,
You left Raine in the woods. I found her on my way back to my place and couldn't just leave her till you went out to look for her. If you want to... We can forget what happened in the woods. I don't know- I actually thought of it as a "thank you" kiss I guess. We can keep it at that ok? You are a good person and I enjoy your company. Just when your in a happy mood though. When we first met, that was a whole different side if you. Well, see you at the guild tomorrow.


I clenched the note and sighed. I placed it next to my bed and lied down putting my arm over my eyes. Was that kiss really a "thank you" kiss? After about a half an hour later I finally fell asleep.

I woke up to the sight of Raine whining to go outside. I sighed and got up. On my bedside table was the note from Gray. I walked away from it and let Raine outside. I had a fenced yard and she had a dog door to the inside of the house to the outside. I always locked it at night so midnight creatures couldn't get in. I left to go to the guild hall and on my way I saw Gray leaning against a tree.

"What are you doing here?" I asked in shock. He opened his eyes with a slight blush on his cheeks, "I wanted to talk about yesterday. I thought it would be better if we talked about it before we got to the guild hall so it wouldn't be as-" I cut him off, "awkward?" I questioned. He slouched a little with a nod. "Thought so." I mused.

We walked in silence for a few minutes before Gray started talking, "I should of stopped you." He said quietly.

I stated at him with a bit of shock, "why?" I asked, "I though you said it would be a thank you kiss?"

"It was wasn't it?"

"Yah." I said awkwardly looking the other way. I yawned and leaned against him. I stayed up late last night thinking about stuff. I felt him stiffen but I ignored it and closed my eyes as we walked. Eventually I woke up I'm guessing just a few minutes later in Gray's arms. My arms were around his neck and my head was against his chest. I must of fell or something. I thought. I closed my eyes again and heaved in a big breath. Gray looked down and smiled slightly. "If I did this when we first met you should be ripping my arms off." I chuckled and looked around. We were almost to the guild. I stretched and got out of Gray's grip on me.

We reached the guild hall and walked in to see it fairly empty. It was still a bit early though now that I thought about it. Gray and I walked up to the bar and sat in our usual spot. I ordered a strong coffee and quickly drank it. A big shiver went through my muscles and I slammed into the countertop. Caffeine made me really tired, I forgot. The stronger the caffeine is the faster it made me tired. I was already tired so it knocked me out quickly. I'm sure Mira already knew that so she hopefully wasn't too worried about me.

When I woke up from my well earned rest the hall was filled more than it was this morning. Levy was with Gajeel and Lucy and Mira was in front of me with a big grin on her face. "You have a nice nap?" I nodded and Gray smiled, "you were out for hours. We thought you were out for good." I waved my hand in Gray's face and put my head down moaning with tiredness. "I'm going back down."

"No time for that, get up." Ezra demanded. I popped my head up quickly and looked at her. "What?" I complained. Ezra smiled as she responded, "we are going on the quest, just us three."

"Why isn't Lucy and Natsu not going?" Asked Gray.

"Why, do you want them too" Ezra sneered. "Nope." Gray said. "Then it doesn't matter. Now hurry up, we need to catch the next train."

"Wow you are in a hurry then. The next train gets here in ten minutes." Mira spoke to us.

"You don't need a lot of stuff. We should be back at dawn tomorrow." Erza reported and walked out toward the train station. Of coarse she didn't tell us the quest so we just followed her.
We got on the train and sat next to each other. I was still tired so I closed my eyes and once again leaned against Gray's shoulder. I eventually dozed off a bit but was still awake. We hit a bump on the tracks and I fell off Grays shoulder and into his lap. I curled up too lazy to move and put my arms around one of Gray's legs and comfortably slept with one of his arms rested on my head.

"Are you two dating or something." Erza chimed in curiously. I felt Gray flinch but I didn't move. "No!" He remarked. Erza nodded once and looked out the window and Gray relaxed. I sneakily looked up at him and gave him a "should I get up?" Look but he shook his head. I nodded tiredly and put my head back on his lap till we got to our destination.

"Ok. Aurora we need to find you a dress. Gray find a nice suit to wear." Erza said confidently.

"Oh god, you better not be forcing us to get married or something!" I teased.

"We are going to a dance. Now come on, there is a good store around here with plenty dresses to impress your boyfriend."

"We aren't dating!" Gray and I retorted. But we went our separate ways to shop for the graceful dance yet to come.

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