The Rescue

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  I ran through the halls of the hidden guild to catch up with Gray. He left small ice markers on the wall for me to use to track him easier. They were hidden yet noticeable if you looked for them. The guild was partially underground, the reason it was hard for guilds to spot it when they were on quests to destroy it.
  I quickly caught up with Gray in silence. Not wanting to make any ruckus, I snuck behind Gray and wrapped a hand around his mouth. He resisted for a second before I kissed his neck, calming his senses. Gray snapped around and hugged me with happiness.

"You made it." He praised.

  I nodded, but my head turned away. My mind knew I didn't want to hear about the fight due to the result. Something I thought I would never imagine would happen. Killing a person. The thought of it made me shiver. The picture of a dead man with a sword in his chest. The ice sword leading to me, it's creator.

  "You alright?" Gray asked in a worried tone. "You're shaking."

I snapped out of the horrifying thoughts going through my head and looked up at Gray's worried face. He held my shoulders as he faced me. My body was shivering as if the ghost of Tirek would haunt me; mentally It would.

  "I don't know." The truth came out. "I'm afraid. It was a fight to the death. I killed him." My mind started to freak as I said the words aloud. It was terrifying to think about nonetheless says .

  Gray nodded in understanding and pulled me to his chest. "It'll all be okay." He whispered. The coolness of his breath hit my neck like a frosty breeze on a cold day. My knees gave out and I fell to the ground with Gray supporting my weight. My eyes were closed as I silently sobbed into my love's chest. He sat there without a word, his chin rested on my right shoulder as his hand rubbed my left.

  After about five minutes I finally smacked myself back to my senses. Cobalt was still in danger. I jumped to my feet, giving Gray an alert reaction. He stared up at me as he stood up. After studying my face he saw my confidence returning back in my eyes.

  "Ready to go rescue our son?" Gray asked with pride.

"You bet!" I growled with energy. This guild is going to regret taking a child from his parents.

  Gray and I silently sprinted across the guild hall for about five minutes without a sign of where they could be. I was starting to loose my energy and stopped at a split in the hall. I held my breath and closed my eyes, listening to any sounds that could lead us in the right direction. Eventually, my ears caught a quiet cry. My feet lurched to the right without thinking and started to dart in the direction, Gray close behind me.

  We made our way through the hallway as the sound got louder. Fire was in my eyes as I made it through the entrance to a open room.

  "You made it." A voice sounded from across the room. "Does that mean you killed Tirek; or should I say your father?"

  "He is what?" Gray said in shock.

  I took a quick glance at him as I sneered to myself. "That man is not my father! I will never accept it. He is a murderer! So are you mother!"

  "Now now, that's no way to speak to your mother." She looked down to my son with an evil smirk on her face." My grandson really is a cutie, isn't he?" She said.

  "Give Cobalt back to us!" Gray scowled with hate, taking a few paces forward before being stopped.

  "Take one more step and I kill all of you." She pulled out a katana and held it at her side. Her face had a horrid expression on it as she stared at us.

  Gray's eyes narrowed as he took a look at the sword. He looked over to me, questioning what we should do. Honestly, I had no clue. My heart pounded in my chest as I took deep breathes.

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