The perfect time

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Erza and I made it to the shop which was filled with dresses. I started looking around and found a few dresses I loved. The first, a long white dress with red linings. The second dress was a long white dress with a blue pattern to it, almost like snowflakes. I stared at it in awe and called Erza over. She had a big grin on her face as she looked at the dress.

  "It would look good on you," She said to me. "Go try it on!" I nodded and ran into a dressing room.

I came out about five to ten minutes later with the stunning dress on my body. It was strapless with a small white jacket that went over it. I walked over to Erza and spun around and my hair flowed to one shoulder. "What do you think?" I asked.

  Erza nodded as she replied. "You look perfect in it! I don't think I have seen you in a dress of any sort before. You are usually in your sweats and a tank top."

I looked down at the waist fitting dress. "I love wearing dresses, but never really get the chance to wear them."

As we paid for our dresses and walked out the door I looked at Erza and asked, "What dress did you get?"

   She replied with a wave of her hand and she transformed her usual wear into the dress. It was the dress I saw earlier, the white and red dress. It looked good on her.

  "Change back, the dance isn't for another half hour. We need to go find Gray."

  Erza nodded and changed back to her armor. We walked around and eventually ran into our friend. We had ten minutes to spare before the dance so we started to walk that way. I made Gray carry the bag with my dress in it as I talked to Erza in excitement.

"Remember, we are here to find that jewel." Erza reminded me. I nodded and looked ahead. There was a big mansion with a beautiful front lawn. We went up to the door and knocked. A person answered with a smile.

  "You must be here for the dance. Come in! If you want to change you can use the upstairs change room. I can get my maids to help you out if you like." We all nodded and the man beaconed a few maids.

"That dress is gorgeous." The maid said looking at me in the white and blue dress without the over jacket, which i decided not to wear. She looked up at my hair. It was down with nothing done to it. "Would you like me to do your hair for you miss?"

"Yes, thank you!" I thanked with a slight bow of appreciation. I sat down and let her do my hair. My eyes closed and I relaxed as she started to mess with it. I liked when others did my hair for me, it was always relaxing. As she took at step back I opened my eyes and looked into a mirror. My hair was pulled back into a loose fishtail braid. She put a small crystal crown on my head lightly and nodded with pleasure and satisfaction. "Like it?" She asked. I widened my eyes and nodded. "very much! Thanks again!" She took my hand and pulled me to my feet and walked me out of the room.

When I looked into the dance floor I saw about twenty to thirty people mingling with each other. Then I spotted Erza in her gown and Gray in a white tuxedo. He looked so cute as he held a elegant glass with his smirking face. I walked over to them and smiled as I tapped Gray on his shoulder. I was blushing, but with the makeup on it probably wasn't noticeable.

  Gray turned around and looked at me in my strapless dress. "It suits you well." He complemented.

  I smiled and looked down. I was actually wearing blue and black cowboy boots under my dress, but it was so long it wasn't very noticeable. Just don't expect me to ever wear high heels.

   Erza slapped her hand on my shoulder and whispered, "Go get him."

I got hot in the face. "What does that mean?" She winked at me and walked off, leaving me and Gray alone. I kinda just stood there for a moment before he took my hand.

  "Let's dance." He said. I smiled and rested my hand on his shoulder.

"I didn't know you could dance." I teased him. He stepped on my foot with a playful glare. I smiled cheerfully. "Sorry, you can't hurt my feet. I'm not wearing heels, but nice try."

  Gray looked at me and rolled his eyes. "Let me guess, your not wearing any shoes."

  I turned my head away. "Of coarse I'm wearing shoes! Who knows what are on these floors. I'm wearing my cowboy boots."

Gray smirked and looked at my feet which were peeking out from under my dress.

   "What?" I asked. "Don't expect me to wear heels."

A few minutes later Erza reappeared and whispered in my ear. "I found where the jewel is located. We might need you and Gray's ice magic to break the lock." I nodded and led Gray to the place Erza told us the precious stone was. The door was locked so all we had to do was freeze and break it. I cupped the lock in my hands and froze it. I let go and stepped back.

  "I will break my hand if I try to break that." I told Gray as I leaned against a wall. Gray pounded the lock with his fists and the iced lock broke. He opened the door and inside was the jewel. It shined in my eyes as the light hit it. I carefully picked it up and put it in my dress between my breasts.

"That's one way to do it." Erza laughed. "Don't think they will look there."

I nodded  "It's how you do things in Aurora's house!" I chanted. "Now we just need it to get out of here." I walked back to the dance floor with my arm linked with Gray's. "If we run into someone who asks where we were just say we were looking for the bar. I will say I overheard someone say-"

"Hey you two!" A voice of a man sounded in front of us. I paused and looked up at Gray and winked. He nodded and looked at the man as he approached us. "What are you two doing?" He asked sternly.

"Me and my boyfriend were looking for the bar." I lied with a smile. "Someone in the ball room said there was an open bar over here. We were just curious."

The person scratched his head. "The bar is in the ball room." He pointed back to the room.

"Was it?" I asked, I made a blank minded look and shook my head. "We didn't see it. Sorry we caused you so much trouble sir."

  The man dipped his head. He fell for it! "It's no problem. Probably just a misunderstanding." I nodded and waved goodbye to him. We walked into the dance room and waited for Erza to get back.

"Quest complete." Erza said walking up to us. "We shouldn't stay too long, but we don't want to leave now or if they find that the jewel is missing and we are gone they will automatically come after us." Erza continued with a laugh. "I liked your little act you put on back there."

"Seriously?" Gray asked me. "boyfriend?"

  I smiled. "It was the first thing to come to my mind. I think it was pretty clever."

  Gray gave me a small, friendly hug around my shoulders. "Sure it was."

"You two sure you aren't dating?" Erza asked. "You're so cute together."

"No." "maybe." Gray and I said. I stiffened and quickly changed my answer in a split second. "No." Gray looked at me and I looked away, trying not to laugh. I can't believe I said 'maybe.' Erza laughed and I bit my lip. I was so stupid. Erza looked at Gray and back to me. She did this a few times before I felt a kiss on the top of my head. Gray kissed me!

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