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*three years later*

It has been almost four years since Gray died. I am twenty-three and Crystal is four. It's strange, Gray died the same year Crystal was born. Why did it happen like that?

I sighed and looked out the window to see Crystal playing out in the yard with Raine, who's face was now a light gray with age. I believe she is ten now?

"Crystal, are you ready to go?" I called outside, grabbing a black jacket that I wore often.

"Yep!" Crystal called back cheerfully running back into the house. "Did you see that big pile of snow I made? Its so big!" She pointed to a pile of snow, probably one and a half feet tall.

I nodded and walked outside into the windy air. Snow blew in my face as I walked with crystal grasping around my arm. We walked through the violent gusts of wind to the guild hall. I haven't been in a few months. I have been so busy taking care of everything that I never had the time. The main reason why we are going today is cause it's on the way to the cemetery. We approached the door to the guild and I hesitantly opened it. Crystal sprang inside but quickly stopped. She turned around and looked at me to make sure I was following.

"Aurora!" The guild chanted as they noticed me.

I smiled slightly and let the door close behind me. Crystal ran back to my side and put her arms back around my arm tightly. I put my hand on her head and walked to the bar and greeted Mira for the first time in awhile. Erza, Natsu, and Lucy were in their usual spots. They were talking about their recent quest they just got back from. Apparently they got quite a bit from it.

"Where have you been?" Mira questioned.

"I've been busy on housework and taking care of this trouble maker." I exchanged a look with my daughter. She smiled brightly and I looked back to Mira. "We aren't staying long, we are going to visit Gray's grave. It has always felt strange going to a grave with no body there. Besides, how did no one find his body when he died on the battle field."

Erza looked up from her cake and nodded, "when Natsu and I went to find him, the body was gone."

We sat in silence for a few minutes. "We better get going. I have a feeling this storm won't get any better."

"But it's so cold!" Crystal complained.

"You'll get used to it." I assured her kindly. She was still doubtful but sighed in defeat. I patted her head and she smiled.

"Come back more often." Mira called across the guild hall.

I turned and nodded, "we'll try our best." With that I opened the door and walked out.

We had made our way to the cemetery. The sun was no where to be seen as the dark clouds and snowy gusts of wind covered it.

Crystal was looking around, her usual pale face was now pink with cold. I took off my scarf and put it around her neck. She grabbed it and held it over her face. I smiled and looked in the direction of Gray's grave. When I caught sight of it I noticed a outline of someone. Walking up to the figure I realized it was Lyon.

"Lyon, what are you doing here?" I asked shocked. The ice wizard turned around and looked at me for a while.

"Same thing as you."

I nodded and stood next to him. He started to chuckle a little as I took off my jacket to reveal a short sleeve shirt.

"Not a surprise this cold isn't bothering you. Your probably the ice wizard that can withstand the most coldest places."

I shrugged and put the jacket around my daughter's small body. "Can't let Crystal freeze. I can already tell she won't be learning ice magic any time soon."

Lyon looked at her and bent down to her height, "what kind of magic you want to learn?" He asked.

"I want to learn the best and strongest magic out there!" Crystal chanted.

"Oh really? I happen to know the best magic out there." Lyon said.


"Yep." He pointed to me and said in a lower voice, "your mom is probably the most talented ice wizard I know."

I smiled as Crystal looked up at me with wide eyes. My arms were turning a light pink as the snow hit against them.

"You mean ice magic is the best type of magic?" Crystal asked astonished.

"That's right." I said before Lyon could answer.

Crystal looked at her father's grave and smiled so brightly. "When dad gets back from visiting Heaven I'm going to show him my ice magic power when I learn it!"

As she said that, my heart dropped like a rock in water. I exchanged a sorrowful glance with Lyon and put my arms around the girl. I stayed silent as Crystal happily looked at the sky. I wish I could bring myself to tell her he wasn't coming back, but I just can't. A tear escaped my eye and froze on my cheek. When Crystal noticed the second tear on my face she frowned, but her cheerfulness didn't leave her eyes.

"Why are you crying mommy?" She asked. I shook my head and stood up slowly, trying to avoid the question. She asked again and I lost it. Lyon grabbed me and pulled me in for a hug. He reminded me of Gray in a sort of way; maybe it was because they were brothers. I felt another hug around my legs, it was obviously Crystal feeling bad.

After a while I turned my head and looked at the Grave. "I miss him so much."

"Me too." Lyon agreed sadly.

"When is he coming back?" Crystal asked.

I put my hand on her head, "he isn't coming back. You will have to wait to see him; when its your time to go to Heaven."

"When will that be?" She asked quietly.

"No one knows when they are going to heaven. You just have to wait and find out." I told her in the most calm voice I could. It was hard to stay calm in a topic like that, so I decided to try changing it. The only problem was, I couldn't find one. We all remained silent as we stayed where we were.

"Well, I think we spent enough time here to pay our respects. I need to get Crystal back home. I don't want her to spend too long freezing out here." I smiled and picked her up. "Would you like to come over?" I invited Lyon.

He shook his head, "I don't want to be a bother to you."

"Don't be silly. You won't be any bother. You are kin so you are welcome any time."

Lyon looked hesitant so I grabbed his wrist and pulled him. We made it to the edge of the cemetery and he stopped. I looked at him and noticed his eyes were wide in shock. Being confused I turned around and saw someone I feel like I knew. I could hardly make out his face but automatically realized who it was.

"No. It can't be." I said in shock taking a few steps forward, releasing my grip on Lyon's wrist. As I got closer I saw his face so clearly. "Am I dreaming? Gray, is that you?"

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