Home again

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Ok, so sorry this chapter took forever to write. I have been too busy with school and other excuses to write. Anyway, the picture in the media was drawn by Mel_cookiex . She is an amazing artist and was kind enough to draw it. So I just want to say thanks to her. ;3 Go check her out. I hope y'all are enjoying the book so far.

I don't know how long everyone was in shock but, it seemed like forever. My love was back unharmed. That was all I hoped for all this time. From the moment he left to this very second. My prayers have been answered and I thought my heart would just stop right now.

Gray lifted Crystal up and turned toward me. A smile was on his face as he lifted his hand and placed it on my cheek. "I missed you so much."

I lent in as he pulled me close. The three of us held each other for a minute before I pulled away and grabbed Gray's hand. "Want to the guild and see everyone?" I asked in wonder.

Gray shook his head and placed his head against Crystal's. He stayed silent, as if he took this moment to bond with his daughter with his embrace. Anyone could see his happiness from the other side of the world. He had missed out on so much these five years. I'm sure he just wanted to go home and spend time with Crystal, Raine, and I.

I thought for a second then sighed. "Let's at least stop by the guild. Everyone misses you as much as I have. We can make it quick then go home. But they should know your alive ASAP."

As I said those words, Gray looked at me for a second and nodded. "Okay." He turned around to face Lyon, who had been standing there all this time. "Would you like to come with us? You did come here to see me right?"

Lyon smiled slightly. "Actually, I came here to see the 'dead' you." They shared the joke for a second before Lyon continued. "Although, I should be getting back. I need to get back to my guild."

"Bye Uncle Lyon!" Crystal chirped sweetly, waving goodbye to the ice wizard.

Lyon waved to the three of us. "Take care."

The three of us walked through town on our way to the guild hall. I led the way with Crystal and Gray walking behind me. I took a small peek behind me and saw the father and daughter holding hands. Crystal was swinging her arm back and fourth in a swaying manor. The sight of her with immediate trust toward her father was thrilling to me. I thought she would be shy and hesitant toward him. I was happy that I was wrong. She acted as if she knew him her whole life.

"So what have I missed since I was gone?" Gray asked.

I smiled, "Natsu and Lucy are married. Jellal came to Erza and they are also now married." I thought for a moment and continued, "Gajeel and Levy are engaged, finally. Ummm, a few new members. That's all that's on the top of my head. Oh, Crystal was born."

Gray nodded. "I'm glad to be back. Sorry I didn't come back or even find a way to contact you." He paused and looked away. "I didn't know you all thought I was dead."

I nodded with a sigh as I turned completely around. Grabbing Gray, I pulled him into a hug and buried my head into his chest. "Just don't do it again." I sobbed.

"I won't." Gray responded, grasping my back with his hands. He kissed my forehead, "I love you."

"I love you, too." I said. "Let's get to the guild before the snow storm returns."

We walked the rest of the way and stopped in front of the door. Gray grabbed the door and paused, gave out a sigh, and opened it. As he walked into the guild hall, it only took seconds for the chatter and commotion to stop. Everyone stared at us as if they saw a ghost. In a minutes the silence stopped and everyone started yelling and running up to Gray, surrounding him. He was back home.

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