The quarrel

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It has been about two days since I was rescued by Gray. I have met almost everyone in the guild and am thinking about joining.

"Should I?" I asked Raine as she rested her head in my lap. I stroked her back and sighed. I looked around the room then to my leg. It wasn't fully healed but I managed to get to the edge of the bed and put some weight on it. The pain wasn't as bad but I just decided to deal with it. I jumped as Erza walked into the room.

"Hello Aurora," she greeted as she walked in and closed the door. All I had on at the moment was my track shorts and the blue sports crop top I had came here in. "Lucy told me to give these to you. She said that you might get tired of wearing those." She threw me a pair of clothes. When I looked at them I saw that the shirt was a blue, one shouldered crop top with beading around the neckline. Next to the shirt was denim shorts. I liked them, "thanks." I whispered as Erza walked out of the room to let me change.

I waited a few minutes before I actually got changed but when I did I just couldn't stop looking at it. But my hair was a mess, so I grabbed a brush from a counter and started brushing till my hair was flat. I took a rubber band from my wrist and decided to do something cute. I thought for a moment then had the perfect hairdo. I spent about thirty minutes on my hair before it looked the way I wanted it. I liked it, it's my favorite hairstyle to do besides the effort it took to get it right. (The picture is somewhere. Lol.)
I limped up to the door and opened it. On the other side was the guild hall. "Come Raine." I called to my dog. Immediately, she got up and limped to my side on three of her legs. I smiled and walked out of the room. Right when I closed the door behind me a spear of ice hit the wall beside me. I jumped and looked to see what caused it. Gray and Natsu were in the middle of the guild hall in a brawl, throwing ice and fire, punches, and were just everywhere in the building. I walked up to them and got between them and spoke angrily, "stop, both of you!" I took a deep breath to try to calm down but it didn't work. "You nearly just killed me!"

"I doubt it." Gray said to me glaring at Natsu.
They were so childish, like me and my brother when we used to fight, but worse. I grabbed his shirt, which he was wearing for once since I got here, and slammed him into the wall. "You better fuckin' listen to me. This is how far away a piece of ice that you threw was to hitting me in the skull. I don't care if we share the same magic or not! If that would of hit me you would be dead! Do I make myself clear?" I felt every eye in the room on me and Gray as I scolded him angrily.
There was fear in Gray's eyes as I yelled at him. He nodded and I nodded and let him go. He fell to the floor and I turned and stalked away, ignoring the pain in my leg. Prancing happily next to me was Raine, not know inch what just happened. I looked around and everyone just stared at me and I herd a whispers.
"Wow, she really gave Gray a scare." And "she is almost as scary as Erza."

In a way you could say I felt accomplished that I got to beat down Gray just by yelling at him. As I got outside I paused. "What do I do now?" I asked Raine quietly, "I can't go back in there." Shaking the thoughts out of my head I just started to run. Not knowing where I was going, just finding a place to hide for a while. Eventually I came to a tree on top of a hill, an oak tree maybe? I got lower to the ground to build up momentum and when I got close enough I jumped, flying upward. I grabbed on to the lowest branch, only a good jumper could make it. I used all my upper body strength to pull myself up and got situated in the tree. Raine barked twice and lied down next to the tree, eventually falling asleep. I looked out into the distance and sighed. It was so beautiful- the sunset was a purplish red color. I watched it till the sun was out of sight. It was peaceful here alone. At that moment I decided this is where I'll go when I'm upset or just want to get away from reality. Eventually the moon had risen into view and I stared at it till I herd a voice calling my name. It was Gray.

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