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So this chapter is going to be really long. There is going to be a ton of different events and shit so yah. Like, it;s going to be really long and slow. But that's how alot of you like it. lol Enjoy the new chapter.

*months later*

It was the first day of winter and it had already snowed a ton. The frosty climate was what Gray and I looked forward to every year. If we were not in a guild we would be living way up north where it's almost never hot. Though we wouldn't leave Fairytail for the world.

As I walked to the counter to make breakfast for everyone, Gray came flying down the stairs. I turned the corner and saw Crystal running after her father. She jumped onto his leg and started laughing.

"I caught you, Dad!" She said with achievement.

I sighed with a bit of humor as I shook my head and walked back to the stove to cook the eggs our new chickens gave us earlier this morning. Crystal insisted that we get some more animals. We have 4 chickens, a cow, and three horses. I had to beg with Crystal to allow Gray to let us get the horses, but he finally agreed.

"How is my lovely wife this morning?" Gray smiled, wrapping his arms around my big belly.

I looked over my shoulder with a grin. "I'm okay. What do y'all want to eat with your eggs?"

"You sure you are up for cooking?" Gray asked. "I can cook for once if you like?"

"No, it's fine." I turned around and started looking for something to make. "Your cooking sucks so I don't think you will cook unless I feel like having crappy food."

"What? Geez, aren't you just making my morning perfect?"

"Your welcome," I said, sharing his sarcasm. I found some meat in the fridge and decided that it would be omelet day. Walking back to the stove top, I looked out the window to see snow starting to blow outside. "Gray, can you put the animals in the barn? I don't want them to freeze."

"Sure." Gray sighed as he walked to the door. Crystal ran in front of him and ran outside. She loved being in the barn with the animals. We kept Raine out there during the day to watch over the animals then bring her back in at night so Crystal always wants to be outside.

When breakfast was done cooking I went outside and called Crystal and Gray back inside. As they opened the door to come in, Raine jumped off the couch and to the door. Gray quickly closed the door, knowing that I would not want her outside.

"Can I go back out to the barn when I'm done with breakfast?" Crystal asked with excitement.

"Sure. What are you going to do?" I asked.

"I want to play with the chickens. They are really hyper today!"

Gray and I laughed as we sat down to eat. Crystal kept going on about how she saw a kitty prancing out in the field. She is the only one who has seen it since whenever she calls us down to look at it, it disappears. She named the stray "Red" due to his unusual red coat she said he had.

"He was trying to get the chickens but the horses got angry cause he was being mean." She chanted.

"Is he bigger than the chickens by a lot?" I asked a little concerned that it would be a threat.

"You bet!" She got off her chair and showed the size compared to her. My eyes widened as she went to her hip. I tried to laugh a little.

"Are you sure that's how big he is?"

She nodded with excitement. "He is a big cat."

Gray looked at me with uncertainty. "There are no mountain lions around are there?" He asked.

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