Guild's new appearence

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As Gray came and stood in front of me I looked at him, "what?" I questioned him.

Gray shrugged and looked at the tree tops, "what a coincidence that we use the same magic. What do you think?"

I stared at him for a long moment and replied, "I think you're ass." I snapped. "Am I the only ice wizard you know?" He should know at least another wizard with his same type of magic.
"Of corse I know other ice w
Wizards," he snapped back to me, "you don't have to be a bitch about it. You know I can still leave you here."

Clenching my fists together I tried to throw a punch but he dodged it. He was so annoying, I did the only other thing I could do. Give him the finger. "Fuck you Gray!" I yelled at him. He stared at me with a smirk and grabbed my middle finger and pulled it slightly back. I yelled in shock and slapped his arm with my other hand to make him let go.

"Better think before you act, brat." He said loosing his smile. I glared at him then handed him my hand. "Just help me up."

He turned away from me, pretending to think if he should help me. He finally turned around and took my hand and pulled me up. Falling into his arms I realized that my left leg would not keep me up. I tried to put weight on it and pain stabbed it like a knife. I winced and dropped the weight.
"You alright?" Gray asked with a small bit of concern now crawling back in his voice. I nodded. He picked me up bridal style. I squealed with surprise at the quick gesture. "I'm going to take you to my guild. They can check your leg."

I smiled and pointed to Raine. "You're bringing my dog as well."
"How am I supposed to carry both of you?" He asked.

As Gray carried me on his back with my dog in his hands he sighed. "How did I get into this?" He asked himself.

I smiled and reached over his shoulder to pet my injured dog. I started to get tired from all the running I did, I don't normally run that fast for very long. 'Was it weird that I was riding on a shirtless stranger's back?' I asked myself in my head as I looked down at Gray. I had a crop top on, so that was like having half a shirt on. I shrugged off my thoughts and decided to forget about it. After a while longer of walking I started to doze off into sleep with one hand around Gray's neck and the other over his shoulder on my dog's head. As for my head, it was rested on Gray's.

I woke up to the sun in my eyes and Raine lying next to me in my arms. Her steady breathing was calming to wake up to, knowing she is okay. I sat up and looked to see that my leg wound had been wrapped up in a bandage.

"Good, your not dead." A voice sounded from she doors entryway.

I turned slightly to see Gray, the person who carried me to his guild. What guild did he belong to? "Nice to see you too." I replied with sarcasm in my voice. As Gray moved to the side of the bed I was on and started to pet Raine. "Did I tell you to touch my dog?" I asked rather rudely.

He looked at me with annoyance in his eyes. "Geez, what's with your attitude?"

"Just how I feel." I replied with a shrug. "It's been a rough day and I don't feel that good."
Raine popped up her head and looked at Gray then turned her head to me in a confused manner. I patted her head and she licked my hand before turning back to Gray with a big dog smile on her long face. Gray smiled back and she wagged her tail as he continued to stroke her back.

There was a long silence as Gray and I stroked Raine. Suddenly a girl with white hair walked into the room with a smile on her face. "How is that leg of yours?" She asked me politely as she walked up next to Gray.

"Fine, thanks." I told her with a glimpse to my bandaged leg. She nodded with her big smile and walked to the door, but before she closed it she turned around to face me.

"My name is Mira by the way." She stated before closing the door. Soon after, a teenage boy with rosy pink hair came flying in, making me jump. I put my hand over my chest and took a deep breath.

"There you are!" He yelled pointing at Gray with narrowed eyes. "So this is where-" he stopped when he noticed me. "Who are you?" He asked me curious to know.

"My name is Aurora." I said with a smile. In response he gave me a thumbs up and said, "my names Natsu. Welcome to Fairytail."

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