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(Hey everyone! Miss this book? Yah, I have been busy with the other book so it had put this one on hold for a while. Lol the only reason I'm writing this right now is cause I can't think of an idea for what happens next in the chapter. Now I get to work on my favorite fanfic! ^.^ Also, I am going to put a time skip in there as well which makes me unhappy for one reason, Raine.... If I made her stay alive after this time skip that would be an overaged dog. I'm sorry Rainedrop! Mommy loves you. Anyways, Enjoy the chapter.)

*Timeskip: 2 years*

Two years have past by fast. Quite a bit has happened; Lucy had her baby, Nashi. Emmie and Laxus have been dating for about half of the year making Natsu not very happy, Raine had passed away, Crystal is working hard with her healing magic, and Cobalt keeping Gray and I busy as ever. I recently started to go on job requests with Gray again now that Cobalt was a little older. Lucy, Natsu, Gray, and I came up with a plan. Every week we would take turns taking jobs while the other watches over the kids. It gets us the money we need and a break from watching over everything.

"Aurora, you awake yet? Lucy is bringing Nashi over in a few minutes." Gray informed me with a stern voice.

I groaned and flipped onto my stomach, ignoring my husband as I planted my face into the pillow. Gray walked up to the bed and pulled the sheets off my body. "No! Gray, I'm tired."

"Get up."

"Ugh, go away." I snapped at him with my face still buried in my pillow. Gray rubbed my back and I turned my head to look up at him. "I'm not getting up."

"Fine." He put his arms around my waist and pulled me off the bed, making a thud as I hit the floor.

"I'm up." I growled getting to my feet and wrapping my arms around Gray's neck. He put his left arm around my back and his right on the back of my head. He always knew I was in a bad mood in the morning when I was forced to wake up. Gray kissed my forehead and walked out of the room to check on Crystal and Cobalt while I got dressed ans went downstairs. As I opened the back door to head to the barn I turned, "Raine, want to-" I stopped and looked over to Gray who glanced over to me with dark, sorrowful eyes. Taking a deep breath I walked outside and closed the door behind me.

How long would it take for me to get over my dog's death? She was always there for me. She was there when I met Gray, when I joined Fairy tail, when I got married. She helped me get through when Gray was gone and when Crystal was born. She went through everything I did. Now she is gone. When I reached the barn I went to the last empty stall and slid down the side of the interior and sobbed. After a few minutes I felt an arm around my neck as I was pulled into a hug.

"I knew in your eyes that you would be here mourning." Gray whispered gently. I dug my face into his shoulder and started to shake with grief. "I know you're sad, but you have to accept it. We were all close to her in the guild. She is in a better place now."

"I know. We have just been through so much. I'm just happy we gave her the best life she could have." I closed my eyes for a minute before getting up. "I'm going to go for a ride."

Gray nodded and stood next to me. "Don't do anything crazy." He said as he kissed my forehead. "I'm going back to the house. Lucy is there waiting for me to get back. I love you."

"I love you too." I whispered, watching him walk away. Walking to Warrior's stall I opened it and put his bridle on. I hopped on his bare back and trotted him out of the stable and cantered him through town to the hill we buried Raine on. We knew the people who owned the land quite well and when they let us buy it a few years back we quickly accepted. It had included the forest, hill, and part of the river that flowed through.

"Hey. I miss you, Raine." I quietly said as I approached the grave. Tying Warrior to the tree and sitting down I realized how pretty the other half of the forest looked under the hill. The sun had risen fully over it, making a bright light shine down on the green leaves. It was too peaceful for me. I sighed and got up, patting the stone we set as the gravestone, and mounted my Andalusian. The quiet was uncomfortable for me since I was always used to the commotion. "Walk on boy." I ordered and made my way back home.

"That was quick." Gray greeted me at the door with Cobalt in his arms. He had a look of worry towards me as I silently passed him. Walking inside I went upstairs and into my bedroom to change my clothes. Once I was changed I flipped onto the bed and covered my face with an arm.

"God, my life is a mess." I muttered to myself.

"Mom?" Crystal asked walking into the room and sat on my bed next to me. "Are you sick? You haven't ate any more children have you?" She tried teasing.

I gave a small smile and shook my head. "No, not recently. What do you need Cry?" Normally she hated when I called her that, but I suppose she let it go this time. That's one thing I loved about her. She was always worried about others.

"You seemed like you needed company. Unless I was wrong."

"I guess I do need a little company. Come here my beautiful Crystal."

The eight year old girl crawled up next to me and wrapped her arms around my ribs and rested her head against my chest. She fell asleep within a few minutes with me awake staring at nothing till sleep overruled my mind. No matter what mood I was in, Crystal could always make me feel like I'm better. I am grateful she was brought into my life. That's one thing I will never regret. The day she was born.

(Another crappy ending. XD idk it's like 12:21 right now. I'm tired so I have no clue what I'm typing. I'll probably wake up tomorrow like "when was this published?" It happens a lot. Sleep writing. Anyway... Hope you enjoyed the chapter!)

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