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Gray stood there with his hands in his pant pockets. Erza stood no further than ten feet behind him, her arms crossed. I held my breath and sat very still in the tree, hoping Raine would not get up and give me away. She blended in with the tree since her coat was almost the same color, so as long as she didn't move I'll be safe.

  "Where did she run off to?" Gray sighed. Erza walked up to his side and smacked him upside the head. He snapped at her, put his hand on his head, walked past the tree and looked into the distance from the cliff side.

"You are so reckless Gray." She spat walking up to his side, her hands now on her hips.

Raine popped up her head and looked at the two. My heart stopped as I saw her begin to open her mouth to bark. I dropped a leaf to distract her. She grabbed the leaf gently in her mouth and chewed it. She then looked at me and I signaled her to put her head down. But she didn't listen and started to bark. Dammit! I carefully climbed higher into the tree as Gray and Erza turned around. When they got to Raine I was already high enough to be hidden, but since Raine was here they probably knew I was somewhere close by.

"Aurora?" Erza called looking around the area. She looked at Raine and bent down to talk to her. "Do you know where she is?"

"Your asking a dog?" Gray questioned.

Erza ignored him and grabbed Raine's collar, took two steps and lurched the dog forward. "Find Aurora for us." She pointed at nothing and Raine ran back to the tree and sat down. She looked up into the tree and I froze against the trunk of the tree and held my breath.

  "I know your up there." Erza called up to me. I didn't move and she called to me again. If I stayed quiet maybe they would go away. "Aurora!" Erza yelled, anger in her voice. "Get down here now, you're not fooling anyone."

I finally gave up and looked down. "What!" I snapped. Erza smiled satisfied that she got me to respond.

"Come down." She said, her previous anger fading. But I shook my head and leaned back against the tree and closed my eyes. "I'm happy right where I am." I argued back.

  "Stop being so stubborn." Erza scolded. "Come down."

"How did you even get up there anyway?" Gray asked as he leaned against the tree. "That' a big jump for someone like you." He started to tease.

Gritting my teeth I found an opening in the tree where there were no branches in the way and I could jump down. I locked my feet onto a branch and faced head down. I waited for a moment then let myself fall right onto Gray, knocking him to the ground. "I'm a skilled tree climber." I answered as I got up.

"What the hell?" Gray spat looking at me from the ground.

I smiled and held out my hand to see if he would accept my help. "That's payback." Gray grabbed my hand and I pulled him up.

Erza got between us and laughed. "Now you guys will be going on a job together since you-"

"Stop right there, Erza." Gray interrupted. "I'm not going on a quest with her. We made up, but it's not like we are buddy-buddy now."

  Erza slapped Gray on the back and started talking again. "You leave in the morning. Lets get back to the guild."

Life's path (fairytail fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now