Chapter 11 (S2)

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I was watching a drama. I was about on the edge of crying while watching it then my phone ringing. I just ignored it and keep watching it. My phone keeps ringing and it makes me irritated. I answered it without looking at the ID caller.


"Y/n? This is Taemin, Jimin's friend."

"Wait, how did you get my number?" I asked.

"I'm calling you using Jimin's phone."

"Jimin? Why did you call me?"

"Can you come here to the bar? Jimin fell asleep after drinking too much whiskey," he said. I sighed.

"Can you call the other members? I'm busy right now," I said.

"I have called them all but no one answering it," I sighed again. Should I go? Or not?

"Huh, Alright. I'll go there."

"You know where is it, right?" he asked.

"Yeah, Jimin told me where you working place."

At the bar

I was looking for him then I saw Taemin waving at me. I come over there and saw that Jimin was sleeping.

"How much does he drink it?"

"7," he said. I sigh. He's drinking too much. I shook his shoulder.

"Jimin, wake up."

He groaned and opened his eyes slowly. He looked at me and smile.

"Y/n~ I miss you," he said, trying to hug me but I pushed him back to the chair.

"Why? I want to hug you," he pouted.

"Park Jimin, you're drunk. Let's go," I said and put my left hand on his waist while his right hand was on my shoulder. I paid for the drinks and get out from there.

I hailed a taxi. I get on it and tell him the address. While on the way, I felt a breath in my neck and I was frozen. I looked beside me and saw that Jimin was leaning on my shoulder, sleeping soundly.

I was staring at him. His cheeks, I want to touch and pinched it. I wonder what happened to him.

After a long ride, we arrived and I paid the driver. I get off and walked to their house. I rang the bell but no one responded it. I called Taehyung while my right hand holding Jimin's waist.


"Tae, where are you all?"

"We are on the way to get home. Why? Jimin was there alone."

"I was with him right now, outside the house," I said. It was silence for a moment.

"Wait, did you say Jimin was with you? Outside the house?" I hummed.

"How?" he asked.

"He was at the bar and now he was so drunk. Taemin told me that he called you all but no one answering it. So, he called me to take him there," I explained.

"Why did he called you instead of Seulgi?"

"I don't know but, can you all hurry up? He is so heavy," I said.

"He has the key," he said and I never thought about it.

"Oh, you're right. Thanks, Tae."

"No problem. I'm sorry babe that you are the one who took him, not us," he said.

"It's okay. I gotta go. This guy beside me was so heavy and I want to throw him at his bed as soon as possible," I said and he laughed.

"Haha, Okay. Goodbye, love you."

"Love you too," I said and ended the call.

I put my phone in my pocket and tried to find the key. I put my hand in his pocket and found the key. I unlocked the door and bring him to his bedroom. I throw him to his bed and I sighed.

"Gosh! He's too heavy."

I turned around and before I walked, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to his bed. I can feel his breathe on my face since our face was so close.

"Y/n.." he mumbled and opened his eyes. We staring at each other. I'm lost in his eyes when I staring at his eyes.

Lie (Book 1) I still want you (Book 2) [Jimin x Reader] (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now