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Jimin's P.O.V


"What are you gonna talk about?"

"Babe, what is she doing here?"

She said, feeling angry when she saw Y/n here. It's not my fault that she is here.

"Didn't I just told you that I just want us two to spend time together?"

"I don't know that she come here today. She didn't tell me."

Turning her head, I sigh and lifted her chin and gazed into her eyes.

"I'm sorry that we can't spend time together today. Maybe next time," I smile at her and she nodded.

"When will you broke up with her?"

She put her hands around my neck, looking at my lips then my eyes.

"Don't worry, I will soon. I just need to find a way or excuses so that I can break up with her," I said while wrapped my hands around her waist.

"Promise me that you will break up with her soon."

"I promise."

Lie (Book 1) I still want you (Book 2) [Jimin x Reader] (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now