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Next morning

I was with my parents with their luggage in the living room. My mom comes to me took my hands. I don't really see them that much since they work for a huge company and most of the time they work.

"Y/n, please take of yourself. If anything happened to you or you need something, just call us okay? You can invite Jimin if you want him to accompany you here," she smiles.

I nodded. She hugged me.

"Darl, they already arrive." 

My dad said and they took their luggage and walked toward the door. I followed them from behind.

"Please take care of yourself too. Don't get hurt and stay healthy. Love you two."

"Love you too."

They hugged me and left me, standing outside the door. I waved at them and close the door. I was about to walk to the living room but I stop in my tracks when I heard someone knocked on the door. I turned around, wondering who is visiting me at this time.

"Who is it? Is it Jimin? But he told me that he will text me if he already arrives."

I opened it slowly, afraid if it was a stranger. Carefully, I peek through the door but no one was there. It's creeping me out.

"Who's there?" 

But no response. I closed the door. I turned around and I heard the door open.

I just stood there, didn't dare to turn around. I don't know who the person is but I can feel that he or she went behind me. Damn it, I forgot to lock the door. I want to run away but it's like my foot have been glued.

Then, I feel a hand wrap around my waist. I gasped and stepped on his or her feet. He grunts and I turned around, ready to slap that person. Before my hand almost slap that person, I stop.

"Jimin? Oh my God! Are you okay? I'm sorry."

"It's hurt you know?" 

"It's your fault. You didn't tell me that you already arrive here, so I thought it's a stranger."

"I'm sorry."

"Let's watch a movie." 

He nodded and headed to the living room.

Lie (Book 1) I still want you (Book 2) [Jimin x Reader] (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now