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I rang the bell, waiting for someone to open it.

"Wait!" Then the door opened and it was Taehyung.

"Y/n?" I waved at him.

"What are you doing here?"

"I just come by. Well, just want to spend time with you all."

"But did Jimin know that you come here? Did you tell him?"

I shook my head. I see that he feeling nervous.

"Why? Is there something wrong?" I asked. I looked at the shoe rack and saw her shoes there. I know it was her meaning she is already here.

"No-nothing. Come inside," he let me in the house.

Then, I saw them all in the living room, talking to each other. But then my eyes gazed towards this two-person.

Jimin and Seulgi sitting beside each other.

"Guys, Y/n is here." 

Jimin's P.O.V

I was talking with Seulgi but then I heard Y/n's name. I froze then turned around to looked if she was here. It's her. Our eyes locked on each other. I stood up and walked to her.

"Why you didn't tell me that you come here?"

"I just want to surprise you?"

I sigh.

"Sit beside me."

"I will just sit beside Taehyung."

End of P.O.V

I walked towards him and asked if I can sit beside him. He nodded and take a seat.

"Taehyung, is it true that they two are only a friend?" I whispered to him.

He was dazed when I asked him.

"Hello? Are you still there?" He comes to his senses.

"Huh? I'm sorry. What you said just now?"

"I said did Jimin and Seulgi only a friend?" 


But I can feel that the way he talked he is feeling nervous. Then I looked at Jimin and her. I saw that there are talking to each other but they were so close.

I keep staring at them but then Jimin turned his head and our eyes looking at each other. When our eyes met, I look away. Then I looked at him back and he's still talking with her.

It's hurt seeing them like that. I'm so confused. Are they only a friend or more than that? I was always thinking about it. Every time I asked Jimin, he said that they are only a friend and when I asked the others, they also said the same thing.

Lie (Book 1) I still want you (Book 2) [Jimin x Reader] (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now