Chapter 13 (S2)

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Next morning

Jimin's P.O.V

"Ughh," I woke up, having a headache. I looked at my phone and it was already 8 a.m.

"You are awake." 

I looked at the door and saw Taehyung standing at the door. He walked towards me with a glass of water and a painkiller. He then put it on the table beside my bed.

"Eat this and you will feel better."

"What happened last night? How did I come here?" 

I asked. I only remember that Seulgi cheating on me and I went to the bar and then I fall asleep.

"Don't you remember it?" I nodded.

"Y/n is the one who took you from the bar and takes you home."

"What? Did she is the one who takes me?"

"Yeah, she said that Taemin called her," he said. Then, something hit me. I remembered it. The kiss. I kissed her.

"That's all she told you?" I asked, feeling nervous if she told Taehyung about the kisses.

"Yeah. That's all, nothing more," he said. I just nodded.

"Well, drink it and come to the kitchen. Jin already served the food," I nodded and he gets out of the room.

I stared at the ceiling. She's with Taehyung right now. I can see that she's happy with him. I can see the way Taehyung treats her. I regret that I'm cheating on her, just because of Seulgi.

Right now, I have realised that I'm still in love with her. When I see her for the first time after we broke up, I feel that my heartbeat fast when I saw her. I still remember those lips. I miss it. I miss the way she looks at me. I miss the way she hugged me, her smile, everything about her, I miss it.

I want to feel her in my arms but, I can't. She's not mine anymore.  

Taehyung's P.O.V

I closed the door and lean on it. Why do I feel like something was wrong that night? Y/n's crying but she just told me that it was just dust but, I feel she is lying. Just now, I can see that Jimin was nervous when asking me about what Y/n tell me about that night. 

I know there is something wrong.

I need to ask her soon.

Lie (Book 1) I still want you (Book 2) [Jimin x Reader] (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now