Chapter 2 (S2)

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Next day

Afternoon, 4 p.m

I was lying down on the couch while watching a horror movie. Don't ask me why I'm watching it in the afternoon. I didn't dare to watch it alone at night and I'm getting scared easily that's why I watched it during the afternoon even though I'm all alone in this house right now. My parents still working.  I was so focused on the movie while clutching the pillow that I bring from my bedroom. 


I was startled by the sound of my phone and took it. I looked at the caller and it was Taehyung.


"Y/n, what are you doing"

"Watching a movie. Why?

"Do you want to join me at the beach? The others didn't want to go so that's why I'm asking you."

I was thinking for a while. It's better to go out rather being alone in this house watching a horror movie. I need to get some air and It's nice to go out right now and get some fresh air.


"Alright, I will pick you up at 5."

"Okay, bye!"

After I ended the call, I turn off the television and went to my room and began to get ready. I went to my closet and wear this.

 I went to my closet and wear this

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Jimin's P.O.V

I was in the living room, playing a game on my phone. Taehyung asked me if I want to join him to go to the beach but I was lazy to get out from home for today. I saw Taehyung went out of his bedroom and he already dress up.

"Are you going to the beach alone?"


"The others didn't want to go. So, with whom are you going?"

"With Y/n."

What? With her?

"Sorry, I must go. Bye!"

What? So, it means that only two of them went to the beach?

End of P.O.V

I was playing a game in the living room while waiting for Taehyung to pick me up. Then, I got a message from Taehyung.

I'm in front of your house already.

I wear my shoes and locked the door. I message my parents that I'm going out with Taehyung. I saw Taehyung standing beside the car.

"Good afternoon!"

"Good afternoon. Now you are here, let's go to the beach!"

"Let's go!"


Will be edit soon. ;D

Lie (Book 1) I still want you (Book 2) [Jimin x Reader] (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now