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"Y/n?" Her smile faded.

"What are you doing here?" She asked me, feeling annoyed and rolls her eyes. I'm about to open my mouth but I heard footsteps from behind me.

"Ohh! Seulgi."

"Hi Jimin!" She smiles again and waves at him. Tch! I thought she is a nice and kind girl when we met at the mall but I'm wrong. 

"Come in."

She entered the house while Jimin and I still standing in front of the door. He closed the door and turned to me.

"Can you explain it?"

"Explain what babe?" I sigh.

"Why did she come here?"

"She just wants to hang out with me here because she feels lonely."

"What was your relationship with her?"

He feels uneasy when I ask him about their relationship.

"She just a friend.. That's all."

"Friend? Don't you dare to lie to me."

I said coldly and went to the couch. He followed me from behind and sat beside me. I lay my head on his shoulder.

"When they will come home?"

"I don't know."

I sigh. I took his hand and played with it. His hand was so cute and I intertwined our hands. I feel someone staring at me. I looked at Seulgi and she was staring at us.

Her eyes widened when she saw I caught her staring at us but then she smirked and looked away. I raised my left eyebrow while looking at her. Did she just smirk at me? I scoff inside my mind, I just ignore it and looks at our hands again.


She called him. He looks at her while I just keep playing with his hands. 

"Can we talk for a minute?"

I stop my action and turn my head at her.

"Can't you just talked to him right here?" I said, feeling angry and jealous.

"Y/n. Don't talk like that to her."

I scoffed. I let go of his hand and just looked at him. 

"Okay, let's go to the kitchen."

Then, they went to the kitchen and I keep looking at their back. I sighed and staring at the television that in front of me.  If it is not that important, just said it here. Why did she want to go somewhere else to talk?  

Lie (Book 1) I still want you (Book 2) [Jimin x Reader] (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now