Chapter 1

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“Professor Jung!”

“May I help you?” 

She turned and smiled

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She turned and smiled. Hyejin’s heart skipped a beat. It was Miss Jung, her favourite teacher. Also the teacher she fell in love with. Hyejin counted her lucky stars for being able to stay in Miss Jung’s class for two years straight. She had gone nuts when she saw that Miss Jung was once again her art teacher for the semester. 

“Jung Wheein. You’ll be mine someday.” She had whispered, holding her timetable close to her heart. It really wasn’t difficult to fall in love with such a beautiful art teacher like Wheein. Adding on to that, she was extremely good at her job and was passionate about it. 

Other than being extremely professional, Wheein was also the most popular teacher in school. Scratch that, she was popular regardless of the faculty-everyone knew her. Both guys and girls have tried their luck in asking this beautiful teacher out, but all have been rejected. “I’m sorry, but I’m not interested”, had been the cold reply they had all gotten. But Hyejin wasn’t about to let this get to her. “Professor Jung!”

Wheein lifted a brow at the long haired student in front of her. She recognised the girl. One of the quiet students in class, always good with her work and was also passionate about the arts. However, Wheein wasn’t oblivious to Hyejin’s staring during lessons. She could feel the girl’s eyes staring at her even as she sat in the back row. It always made her nervous somehow. She had to admit, the student had caught her eye.  Today, that same quiet girl had finally come after class to talk to her. 

“I...I have a question…” Hyejin trailed off at her own words, biting her lip nervously and playing with her fingers. “Go ahead.” Wheein simply stated, her mind silently repeating one word. Cute. “Will you help me out this Sunday? I...I would like to clarify my doubts on the semester project...but I am busy after this and have activities on Saturday. It...It’s okay if you’re not free though...I was just asking-” 

“What makes you so sure that I wouldn’t say yes? If a student has questions, I’m more than happy to answer, no matter the day or time.” Hyejin’s head shot up instantly. “Really?” Wheein nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. “Could I borrow your phone?” She tilted her head slightly, watching as the student fished out her phone from her pocket and handed it over to her. She quickly typed something and handed it back to Hyejin. “Text me.” Wheein whispered and left the classroom, leaving a blushing mess of a Hyejin behind. 

New Chat

hyegi: hello ms jung! this is hyejin, from the graduating batch of art class ^^

jungwheepup: hello! how are you planning to arrange this sunday?

hyegi: i was thinking maybe you can come to the small studio in my place where i work to teach me. i can’t find another suitable place😔

jungwheepup: sure, send me your address, and assuming that you have all your art materials at home, i shall not bring extra!

hyegi: thankyou :)) it’s at *inserts random address* 

message read @ 10.38pm

Hyejin threw her phone onto her bed and squealed into her pillow. “I didn't know it would be that easy!” she mumbled excitedly to herself, sitting up and scanning the room. “It's so messy, I should clean up my place.” She stood up briskly and started to clean up her small apartment. 

It was Sunday morning and Hyejin woke up early. She quickly brushed up as she waited for her teacher to arrive. Standing in front of the long mirror, she decided that her outfit looked decent enough, casual homewear but enough to meet a teacher. Turning to the clock, she noted that she still had some time left. She entered her art room, to the painting canvas. White, a base layer of white applied the previous afternoon had dried completely. What kind of colour will be applied to this canvas today? The doorbell rang and Hyejin rushed to open the door.

“Hi.” Wheein smiled, dressed in a simple green knitted pullover and long black ripped jeans. Hyejin smiled back and invited her teacher in. “Have you had breakfast yet Professor? I'm so sorry I called you over in the morning.” “I have, and that’s fine, I was free anyways.” her tone soft, she grinned at her student. The younger girl led the teacher into the studio. 

They were seated in front of the canvas. “The theme for the assessment this year is feelings, so it allows for pretty much free creation. As long as you can portray feelings in your art piece, you're good to go. Your other criteria is that you have to use acrylic paint.” Wheein stated plainly and looked over at her student. Hyejin looked to be deep in thought, her eyes focused on the paint she had set aside. Slowly, she turned to face her teacher. “Will you be my muse?” she whispered ever so softly, such that Wheein almost missed it. “Sorry?” her eyes widened at the question. 

yoooo so this is the first chapter hahahaha it's quite bad i think my writing improves further down the story
ngl i'm quite inexperienced HAHAHA don't mind me
but hEY WHEESA we got confident hyegi here

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